Veertly’s Team-building event



We are Veertly, a 100% remote company. Especially for remote teams, it is sometimes hard to build team spirit. Team spirit is a lot about trust and knowing each other. In non-remote companies, you have a lunch, a coffee break, or the walk to a meeting, and you get an opportunity to chat and get to know each other better. In a remote setting, unfortunately, it’s not that easy.

That’s why we at Veertly have some #HappyVeertly offers every week where we do some stretching, have a coffee break together, or go out on a walk and a team event every month, in order to do some team building and have fun together. And that’s what we did on Monday!

We had a four-hour session with the whole team. Firstly, we had a session with Luís on giving and receiving feedback to strengthen the importance of feedback. Afterward, we had dinner together and real start-up food: pizza!!!

The second session was from Maya about sharing and exchanging purpose to learn more about individual working styles and our peers. We found this extremely useful, especially when learning the personal do’s and the don’ts in a work setting

The team event proved to be an excellent way to have fun together in an informal way and to get to know each other better.

Although we had a lot of fun, we would do it a little shorter next time or combine it with a fun activity.

Of course, we did this event on our platform, where we have all the tools for interaction and collaboration. Your team is waiting for you to create a team event!

If you are interested in creating your own team-building event on Veertly, you can book a demo, try our platform for free and ask us for our team-building partners.



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