5 Things I Love About Being Part of Veeva’s Analytics Development Program

Generation Veeva
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2021

By: Mackenna Woods, Analytics Services Associate

  1. Working with Big Data

I work as an Analytics Services Associate (ASA) at Veeva. In the ASA role, we have access to extremely powerful data sets that have a lot of valuable information. Part of my daily job is making sense of trends that are present in the data and using those findings to help clients optimize their marketing campaigns. Working with this data, highlighting present trends, and identifying outliers is extremely interesting to me and has revealed valuable understandings of consumer behavior.

2. Engaging with Clients

When I applied for this job it checked a lot of boxes for me; things like analyzing big data sets, working with consumer media and engaging with clients in the healthcare industry. While I was really excited about all of these different facets, I did not expect to be involved in all of them from the start. Working with clients was something that I was particularly excited about, but I was fully expecting my client interactions to be few and far between; since in most places you don’t get that kind of exposure as an entry-level associate. This is not the case at Veeva Crossix, I work alongside life science clients and media agencies on a daily basis — assisting in operational troubleshooting, media plan optimization, and collaborating on analytical projects. Having the opportunity to interact with clients has been one of the aspects I’ve enjoyed the most in this role.

3. Seeing Real-Time Impacts of Our Work

The learnings we present to clients make a real difference and being able to see them implement our recommendations and the positive outcomes, as a result, is a constant motivator. Just last week we presented insights to one of our clients and they modified their entire media plan as a result– this quantifiable impact we are driving adds gravity and value to the work we are doing.

4. Being Surrounded by Peers

A class of ASAs is hired every summer and I had the privilege of starting with a class of about 13 other ASAs. Starting with a class of peers makes navigating your first job much less daunting. There is always someone to go to and ask all your questions and share common experiences.

5. Working in an Impactful Industry

Now more than ever the spotlight is focused on the healthcare industry — working with these products every day makes you feel like you are making a positive difference in the world. Many of these products we work with are changing the lives of the individuals who are using them — giving the work we do real meaning.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Veeva.

