Mind over Major: Why your Choice of College Major is not a Life Sentence

Generation Veeva
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2021

By: Allison Waldman, Analytics Services Associate

If you are anything like me, you may be approaching the end of your senior year of college wondering what your next steps will be. As a senior in college with one foot already out the door, digging my hand-me-down blazer out of the back of my closet and attending my school’s career fair was low on my ‘to-do list’. The truth is, I was intimidated by the career fair. Skimming through the list of companies that were scheduled to attend, I quickly concluded that as an Education and Linguistics major these prestigious employers scheduled to attend would not be looking for someone with my educational background. There was one thing I knew for sure — I was feeling lost. My path was unclear and I was eager to see what my options could be. So, after a quick pep-talk in the mirror, I was off to the career fair with my resume in hand.

After walking around aimlessly for what felt like an hour, I finally passed the Veeva table along with the long line of students waiting to meet their representatives. I grabbed a brochure and quickly escorted myself to the corner of the room to skim it and decide if I could be qualified for any of the positions they were offering. I had a previous interest in the healthcare space and figured this could be an amazing opportunity to expand my knowledge into the world of technology and data analytics. When I finally made it to the front of the line and got some additional background on Veeva, I was sold. Before I knew it, I was interviewing in their New York office in the same hand-me-down blazer I had reluctantly worn to the job fair.

The ball and chain that were my college majors quickly began to feel lighter. As I discussed my resume with the representatives from Veeva I realized that I wasn’t just an Education and Linguistics major. I was a problem solver, an analytical thinker, and a dedicated and intelligent future professional. While I didn’t major in Data Analytics or some other discipline in STEM, my majors that once felt irrelevant to the field laid the groundwork for all of the qualities I would need to be successful at Veeva. I didn’t know it at the time, but these were the qualifications that Veeva was looking for in me, not my “diploma in Data Sciences”

When I finally accepted my offer to join Veeva’s Crossix team as an Analytics Services Associate (ASA), I was thrilled to be starting my career. Once I was able to accept that I was truly qualified and ready to take on the challenges that come with starting a career in an unfamiliar field, I was ready for anything. Reflecting back on the moments where I almost let my majors hold me back from attending the career fair where I discovered Veeva, I realized that the truth is, there is no major that can fully prepare a person to start a career within Generation Veeva. If you have a strong work ethic, are a fast learner, and have a passion for one of the many opportunities they offer, their new grad positions can be right for you. And if you especially have an analytical mindset, the ASA role could be a great fit for you, regardless of your major. Just one year into the program, I have learned more than I could have ever expected when I walked into the career fair. I have the privilege of working with the most dedicated and passionate team of young professionals from all types of disciplines and college backgrounds. I have been so fortunate to start my career with a development program that is designed to help me succeed while being surrounded by people who not only want to help me achieve my goals but help me create new ones. I have discovered that while Veeva is a company with thousands of employees, I have always felt supported and seen.

All of this is to say that your college major does not have to define your future. If you are motivated to learn and are up for a challenge, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and find out what you are capable of. As an Analytics Services Associate (ASA) in the Analytics Development Program (ADP), you will gain skills not only in analytics and marketing but in using data to provide your clients with actionable insights and see your hard work come to fruition by watching your clients achieve their goals. And if you are intimidated by the career fair, you’re not alone, but I can guarantee you will never regret exploring what’s out there. So, put on your blazer, shake some overly-sanitized hands, and maybe I’ll meet you in the office one day!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Veeva.

