Why Vegans Aren’t Bullied in Thailand & Are Celebrated Here

Vegans are often harassed in Western countries, but Thai people respect veganism and even have a vegan festival every year.

The Future is Vegan


A vegan food stall during the Je Festival in Hua Hin, Thailand. — Photo by the author.

In Western countries like the U.S. and U.K., as well as across Europe, vegans deal with a lot of contention for supporting animal rights. We get bullied, harassed, and even sent death threats.

No place is safe since this can happen at home, school, in the workplace, at restaurants, in public, and online.

For all the talk of vegans always shoving things down people’s throats, every online vegan space is invaded by carnists trolling or trying to argue against veganism.

Even the vegan hashtag on Medium is filled with people trying to discredit veganism and spread misinformation. It’s extremely annoying. Vegans get more crap for being vegan than the other way around.

Thankfully, this kind of ignorance does not happen in Thailand. I have always felt accepted here. It is also easy to find vegan food since many Thai dishes have a lot of vegetables. Thai chefs can easily omit animal products and use soy sauce instead of fish sauce.



The Future is Vegan

(they/them) I'm a vegan Guatemalan-El Salvadorian-American writer, filmmaker, & teacher in Thailand. Your support is appreciated: ko-fi.com/tracydot3