Samuel Jay Calvo
Vegan City
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2016


Interview with Toni Grandberry, A Vegan Mom

Kindly you tell us a little bit about yourself (personal, your profession, hobbies etc.) and how did you became a vegan?(when did you started, what motivates you etc.)
- I am a mom, working as a Social Services caseworker. My hobbies are cooking, traveling, music, film, writing poetry and art. I’m a transitioning vegan, I say that because I haven’t gotten it right yet, I have slip ups but I keep trying, I actually tried to go vegan two years ago, mainly for compassion and health reasons. What motivates me is that not only am I losing weight and eating better, but I am no longer taking part in animal cruelty, also my friends are taking notice with my posts and are becoming interested in veganism.

Do you enjoy being a Vegan?
- I do enjoy being vegan, it just feels right.

What is a typical vegan breakfast, lunch and dinner for you?
- My typical vegan breakfast would be a green drink blended using my Nutriblaster, something with kale or spinach, berries, Apple or banana with nuts, chia or flax seed or protein powder. I also eat oatmeal or shredded wheat, on weekends I go for a tofu scramble with potatoes or grits.

For lunch, I might have a salad or dinner leftovers or a wrap, something from home.
I tend to go out for dinner, exploring different cuisines and searching for new vegan foods. I’m happy that more restaurants are now offering more. Egan/vegetarian dishes and many items can be veganized. On occasion I will experiment and cook when time permits. I’ve made vegan shrimp and grits, beautiful salads, one pot dishes, bbq seitan., etc. A friend recently gave me two new vegan cookbooks, so the possibilities are endless on vegan cooking.

On your opinion, what are the main advantages of a vegan diet? and are there disadvantages? If so, how can they be overcome?
- I would say that the advantages of a vegan diet would be better health overall, lower cholesterol, more energy, weight loss from consuming fresh healthy whole foods. The disadvantage sometimes be finding a full meal when you are out traveling or on the road. At some restaurants, the only vegan items might be a side salad or fries. I believe that as more people adopt a plant based diet, there will become a higher demand for vegan food items on menus.

What do you think is generally misunderstood about the vegan approach to eating?
- I think that it is often misunderstood that Vegans only eat salad, grass twigs and berries lol In reality, there are a wide variety of food and dishes available, many you would not believe were vegan.

During the time that you’re not yet a vegan, what favorite meat dish do you usually cook or order on restaurants?
- I would order a seafood meal, that was my favorite until I did my research.

Do you think you became more healthier on being a vegan?
- I think that I am becoming healthier on a vegan diet, even though I’m not losing much weight, I definitely feel better.

What’s the most important thing that people should know before shifting to a vegan diet?
- Before switching to a vegan diet, please do your research! Look up foods that contain optimal nutrition, look at vegan foods that contain high protein, like lentils, tofu products, nuts, broccoli, etc. Buy a book on nutrition, join an online support group and keep snacks on your car in case you get hungry.

Is being vegan more expensive?
- I do not think that a vegan diet is more expensive, my grocery bills are a fraction of what they used to be. I would advise people to buy as much organic items as possible but in small quantities because it tends to spoil faster due to the lack of wax/chemicals.

What should someone do to make sure that they’re staying nutritionally balanced while on a vegan diet?
- To make sure you are nutritionally balanced for those that don’t know much about nutrition, make sure that you eat your dark leafy greens, legumes and brown grains, avoid sugar and excess oils. I sometimes use a food tracker like Fitness pal, it will look at the meals that you eat and help you keep your macros in balance. (Protein, Carbohydrates and starches)

Should I exercise on a vegan diet?
- Yes, you should exercize on a vegan diet. I don’t exercise as much as I should, but I bought a Fitbit and I walk, accepting challenges from friends to compete for walking longer distances.

What do you enjoy most on being a Vegan?
- I enjoy most about being a vegan in knowing that I’m helping to reduce the demand for animal products, not contributing to animal cruelty, that I am doing what is best for my body and influencing non vegans showing them that they can eat wonderful meals without that are animal free.

Do you have any message to other folks planning to shift to a Vegan lifestyle?
- My message to someone that is interested in becoming vegan is that it is not as hard as you may think. There are vegan replacements for just about everything that we like. Vegan cheese, milk, butter, meat substitutes, etc. Do it for your health, a vegan diet can reduce the chances of becoming a diabetic, can help with heart disease and help achieve weight loss. You only have one body, treat it like the temple that should be.

Do you have any quotations about being a Vegan?
- “Sick and tired of being sick and tired”

Originally published at

