Bone Appetite: Harnessing the Power of Food for Strong Bones

Andrea Breaux
5 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash

As you journey through life, it becomes increasingly crucial to prioritize your bone health. Strong and healthy bones are necessary for maintaining an active and independent lifestyle. There is concern about whether purely plant-based diets can provide all the necessary nutrients to support good bone health; however, focusing on specific plant-based foods can be the key to success. By choosing nutrient-dense options that are rich in minerals and vitamins crucial for bone health, you can ensure that your bones stay strong and sturdy as you age, enabling you to continue enjoying the activities you love.

Without warning, the night sky exploded with a thunderstorm, unleashing a magnificent and mesmerizing display of its raw power. The darkness was transformed into an otherworldly canvas as lightning bolts danced across the heavens in awe-inspiring hues. The gentle morning sun emerged as dawn broke, infusing new life into the world. The rain-soaked leaves shimmered like precious gems, creating a radiant glow over the landscape. And with each breath of the crisp, clean air that had been washed by the storm, the senses were invigorated and the body filled with revitalizing energy.

Annie unrolled her yoga mat on the elevated platform at the end of their garden, a smile lighting up her face as she saw LJ approaching with…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.