From Drab to Fab: Elevate Your Meals with These Healthy Prep Hacks

Andrea Breaux
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Prioritize your well-being by making mindful choices in the kitchen. Achieve balance and variety in your meals by including foods from all five groups. Save time and enhance nutrition by pre-chopping fresh produce. Choose cooking methods that preserve nutrients and avoid unhealthy fats. Sweeten dishes with natural fruits and read food labels for healthier options. Elevate flavors with herbs and spices. Small changes in food preparation can yield significant health improvements.

Warm sunlight bathed the great room while the soft strains of Joshua Redmon’s saxophone wove magic in the background. Ellis and Tara lay across the L-shaped sofa where baby Lee slept happily between them. Both were engrossed in March Madness. It was early Sunday afternoon, a time during the week for relaxing and not thinking about the demands of their respective careers.

Ellis sat up to stretch. “I’ve been thinking about what’s better than a buzzer-beater three-pointer. A well-prepped meal waiting for us during the week. Want to talk about some food hacks we can use to make mealtime better?”

Tara glanced at the baby, “Yes! As far as I’m concerned, we need all the shortcuts we can get. Breakfast is particularly hard because now we’re trying to dress and feed baby Lee, get dressed for work, and get out the…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.