From Hippocrates to Hara Hachi Bu: Quotes That Nourish

Andrea Breaux
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Mariana Medvedeva on Unsplash

In the quiet corners of cultural wisdom, a solemn truth exists: food is both sustenance and remedy. From ancient proverbs and beliefs, these quotes echo through generations, reminding us that what we eat shapes our well-being. Let us always honor these statements — their resonance is deeper than any pill or potion.

Annie leaned over the pot of Backyard Soup, noticing its rich green and aroma. She glanced out the kitchen window at the scudding clouds racing across the sky and the sun trying hard to make a steady appearance. “This is going to be a perfect main dish for dinner.”

LJ poured his cornbread mix into the baking pan and put it in the oven. After checking the timer, he turned to Annie, “It’s like I always say, our neurons do a little cha-cha when we eat well, and tonight, our brain and stomach will be doing the happy dance with this meal. I have an idea; how about we play a word game while we wait for the food to cook?”

Annie gave him the side eye, “Are you sure you want to play a word game with me? You know I’m the queen of Jeopardy.

“Yes, I know,” laughed LJ, “but I’ve got another idea. Since everyone is talking about food’s impact on health, I challenge you to come up with insightful quotes from different cultures that speak to the marriage of food and medicine. You…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.