Glow up with Green: Plant-based Collagen for Radiant Skin and Healthy Joints

Andrea Breaux
4 min readMar 1, 2024


Collagen, a protein abundantly present in our connective tissue, cartilage, bone, and tendons, is crucial in maintaining our skin’s youthful appearance by keeping wrinkles at bay and promoting a plump, smooth texture. But its benefits don’t stop there! Collagen also plays a vital role in supporting the health of our nails and joints, ensuring they remain strong and flexible.

LJ glanced up from his computer to see a sliced green apple on his desk. With a smile, he turned to Annie and joked, “Lucky me, this has to be the one-millionth green apple I’ve eaten because of my loving wife.” He reached for a slice, prepared for the familiar burst of tartness.

Annie playfully replied, “Well, the good news is that your taste buds never tire of that lively tango of flavors. The sweet and sour balance is like walking a tightrope, and it keeps you returning for more.”

They both laughed, reveling in the refreshing acidity of the first bite.

Annie, half-serious, said, “Would you also credit your ability to run several miles daily with your healthy knees to our habit of enjoying granny smith apples?”

LJ pondered momentarily and replied, “You might be onto something! Eating a green apple daily does have its health benefits. For…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.