Livestock Farming Is the Biggest Source of Suffering in the World

A harrowing reality we can no longer ignore

Pala Najana


Opening scene of award-winning animal rights documentary ‘Dominion

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When we think about the suffering in the world, images of war, poverty, natural disasters, famines, and disease often come to mind.

And hell, I’m not here to trivialize these things.

Clearly, they can bring horror and misery beyond belief; dimensions of suffering that — if you knew — you would never wish on your worst enemies.

It may sound preposterous, but I’m here to talk about something even worse.

Something that certainly creates more suffering and misery than all the above. Possibly even more than all the above taken together.

We have created hell on Earth

You’ve already seen it in the title: I’m referring to the livestock sector.

And no, I’m not exaggerating.

I wish I was. But I’m not.

Questions may pop up in your head right now — and I will address them below. But first, please hear me out. 👇

