Longevity on the Rock: How Sardinians Skip Assisted Living Facilities

Andrea Breaux
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Odiseo Castrejon on Unsplash

Uncover Sardinia’s secrets: where family, community, active living, healthy whole food, and well-being intertwine. There are few assisted living facilities, instead longevity is a way of life grounded in family ties, shared meals, and a sense of well-being.

Annie and LJ, their breaths mingling with the crisp Sardinian air, stood atop the rocky pinnacle. Before them lay a landscape that seemed to defy time — a canvas painted by ancient hands. Below, the coastline stretched like a sinuous ribbon, its cliffs plunging into the Mediterranean Sea.

“Watch out, Annie, a guy is trying to get by you.”

“Oh, excuse me,” she said to an elderly man. He smiled and nodded as he went by.

“Did you see that? That guy ran past us several minutes ago. We look like we are all about the same age. I run nearly every day, but it is on a level trail. He ran up this mountain like it was no big deal.”

“Un, huh,” said Annie as she gazed at Mount La Marmora, its slopes adorned with wildflowers and gnarled junipers. She turned her attention to LJ. “I am grateful we decided to take this trip. It is breathtaking, and the Sardinian way of life is incredibly inspiring. Did you know Sardinia and West Virginia are around the same size in terms of land area? And…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started Healthyhealingeats.com based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.