Fresh - Organic - Local

James Koroni
1 min readOct 31, 2012

I am an artist from New York City. While performing in Canada at the Edmonton International Fringe Festival we had the privilege of staying with a host family. Lucky for us, they had an organic garden that provides them with half of their produce. The other half comes in every Tuesday from a farming co-op, which is evenly split amongst local families. This kind of co-op delivers whatever can be grown with current weather conditions in consideration. The trick for us was discovering what can be made with what was available. I went to the local Organic Market and picked up some Tempeh and we were ready to start cookin’. Here’s what we came up with:

Marinated tempeh with green pearl onions and string beans Green onion, red quinoa Garlicky baked potato wedges with parsley Oven roasted sweet onions Cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes



James Koroni

Creative Director, Choreographer, Actor, Dancer, Singer. Credits: Madonna, Son Of Kick, Robert Delong, Anusha Dandekar.