Global Climate Strike

Drastic times require drastic measures. The time to disrupt is now. Mass awakening is happening. Don’t be a follower, be a trendsetter!

Chaya Rena Thomas
3 min readSep 22, 2019


I’ve been binge-watching Greta Thunberg all weekend. Following her work in the USA reaffirmed what I already knew — it does not matter your age, race, job, sexual orientation or religion — we can all do SOMETHING to help the planet.

Greta, waving at her supporters, as she sails for NYC in a zero-emissions yacht.

The Green Revolution is upon us and many micro raindrops can create a storm. It is time for every person to join arms with the Global Climate Strike and do our part in forging a cleaner and more sustainable future.

This Friday, millions of school children are taking to the streets to protest the calamity of climate change and the inaction of governments and banks all over the world. This protest is to get the world’s biggest polluters to start paying. The time to clean up our oceans and rehabilitate our forests was yesterday. Find the strike happening near you here.

Millions take to the streets of New York City this past week
A’niya Taylor, 16, from Baltimore, MD, protesting at the U.S. Capitol Building (TIME Magazine)

If you are wondering what you can do, you’d be amazed by the plethora of options available. The first and biggest step you can do in saving the planet is by going vegan and here is a vegan calculator to help you see how much you save the world by going vegan. I have been vegan for 3 years and according to the calculator I saved over 1.2 M gallons of fresh water, 43,000 lbs of grain, 21.9 lbs of CO2, and over 1,000 animals. These are staggering numbers!

Next, evaluate your travel habits; try to fly less and take trains and busses more. When you look for vacation destinations, consider some of these sustainable hotels.

My final tip of the day is to ditch government money. Government and bank controlled money is subsidizing the world’s most destructive industries and it is printed with animal products. Now, with the rise of digital currencies, is the time to start using them. VeganCoin is the only digital currency on the planet that is saving the amazon rainforest. If you want to join the sustainable new economy, click here.

Let’s come together in preparation for the global strike for the climate and take these steps in helping mother earth!


The Vegan Flag

