Review: Urban Shaman

Yael Tamar
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2019

When you hear that Israel is the vegan capital of the world, it’s places like Urban Shaman that they’re thinking of. Places that concentrate not on peddling fake meat flavors but on healthy, clean eating that centers around high-quality fresh ingredients, often gluten-free and raw or almost raw.

This spot is superb, a one of a kind even in Israel, which is home to a range of fantastic vegan dining options.

Founder Udi Sahar, a naturopath and clinical herbalist, has created a beautiful space using premium materials and design, focusing on creating an experience which is calm, clean, healing, strengthening, and spiritual, caring for both body and soul in the middle of the bustling city.

As a dining experience, Urban Shaman is true to the spirit of organic plant-based food, but goes far beyond being merely a restaurant with Teepee, a healing oasis which connects body, mind, and soul through meditation, infrared sauna, hands-on treatments such as massage, and yoga classes.

They also offer several types of cleansing programs. Whether you’re new to cleansing or experienced, each journey is exquisite and tailored to your own detox process even while you carry on with your regular lifestyle. Cleanse options include 5 juices, an alkalizing soup, and a detox herbal decoction for each day of your cleanse. Because live juice is critical while cleansing, providing a full enzyme count to ensure a good system scrubbing, cleanses can be picked up from Urban Shaman or delivered fresh to your door daily in some areas.

But even if you’re just stopping by for a place to eat — you’re going to love Urban Shaman. With the natural materials and tranquil atmosphere, you’ll adore the amazing vibe! This spot is a go to for delicious juices & salads, sound healing massages & yoga, steam sessions, and custom-tailored combinations of all these.

Essentially, this is your home away from home when it comes to taking care of your body and soul, highly recommended for health-conscious vegans, and anyone else looking for great tasting, quality food that actually contributes to wellness.

If you are a vegan business and would like to have it reviewed, please sign up here.



Yael Tamar

Yael went vegan 6 years ago & has experimented with variety of lifestyles, including 4-Hour-Body(Slow-Carb Diet), Raw Food movement and Ayurvedic diet