Previously Omitted Las Vegas Shooting Information Found in Recently Released Officer Report

Carrie Story
3 min readJun 21, 2018

Officer A Zambrano of the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) responded to the South Central Area Command on the night of the Las Vegas shooting. Upon his arrival at 2250 hours, he was tasked with being the “scribe”. He continued this role from that time until 0551 hours.

Attached to his Officer Report is his scribe report form that night.

Many have listened to the scanner audio from that night. Here are some communications that we didn’t hear about that night and a few questions for Sheriff Lombardo and LVMPD…

Why didn’t we know that in addition to the possible VBIED on the Audi at Luxor, that at 2311 a possible explosive device was found strapped on an escalator at Luxor?

A firearm was found in the Luxor valet area near the Audi at 2339. What were the results of the inevitable run on that weapon?

Who is Sgt Panucci, and was it also him that reported this firearm?

Tweet by LVMPD the night of the shooting.

0017 hours- Who did the the THIRD vehicle police were looking for, belong to? Why were only two vehicles announced to the public to be on the look out for?

0200 hours- Which suspect’s Pontiac vehicle was found at Mandalay Bay?

Scanner audio transcript from

0009 & 0011 hours- Were the three women with possible weapons in the trash cans, the three females that were registered to Stephen Paddock’s room?

0026 hours- Which suspect has a prior record in California for carrying a loaded firearm in a public place?

Paddock is said to have nothing more than a traffic ticket.

At midnight the suspects address is confirmed. Why has it been redacted from this released document? Stephen Paddock’s address is already known to anyone that keeps up with the case. Which suspect is being referred to?

At 0040 North Las Vegas SWAT reported shot’s fired at Harrah’s. What was the result when police responded?

2330 An officer with call sign 563 stated that there was an unknown male running with a firearm.

BWC footage can be seen here

On June 20th body-cam footage was released from an officer forming a strike team. Approximately 5 min into the video he announced that their call sign was 563. We now know this officer has a body cam and that he was recording that night. Will we eventually see footage from this encounter with an unknown male with a firearm?

Lastly, here’s something for everyone to think about…

At 2305, there was a report of shots fired and 20 subjects down inside NY NY.

You have to wonder how 20 people were down inside of a location that at 2311 strike teams staged, at 2313 sixty people were sheltered in place in the kitchen and two strike teams entered, and at 2314 the CP diverted tactical (SWAT) to this location.

While the strike teams were inside the building, at 2320, two shots fired was reported. At 2322 EVERYONE inside NY NY was “sheltered in place”.

Then by 2325 it was declared that NEGATIVE SHOTS FIRED at NY NY and then again at 2337.

Yet at 2341 everyone in NY NY was still sheltered in place?

Room at NY NY has a victim w/ GSW at 0124.

Strike team 9 reports shots fired at NYNY

At 0144 no further intelligence at NY NY…

Shots fired inside NY NY was reported not only by citizens but police as well.

I urge you to go back and listen to the scanner audio for anything reference NY NY and try to put the pieces together. Then ask yourself: Do we now have enough circumstantial evidence to come to the reasonable conclusion that there was indeed another shooter at NY NY?

This officer’s scribe report can be viewed at the following link and starts on page 82

