VegaWallet Token Sale Completion

Jacob Ballou
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Good Afternoon VegaWallet Community,

We wanted to start by thanking our community for their ongoing support during our token sale and platform development. We understand the current market conditions do not fair nicely for some startups however we are glad to say we are one of the few companies to survive token sale efforts in the last few months.

We are proud to announce the VegaWallet Token Sale has met soft cap with the allocation of more than 105,500,000 VGW Tokens. If you have participated in our token sale or airdrop campaigns please allow a few days before you receive your tokens for VegaWallet to complete our internal audit. These audits help to ensure all funds raised are accounted for and are necessary in accordance with our governing bodies. We will keep the public notified as to when this audit is complete, we ask that you please give us a few days.

During this time users may not be able to access their dashboard as we switch over our systems. Please do not panic, this is necessary as our database information is switched over and the new website and application are released. The database switch is necessary in order for us to ensure everyone receives the correct amount of tokens. The VGW token allocations will begin immediately after our audit is complete and will be ongoing until all tokens are sent out. This process will start with users who bought their tokens first and end with our airdrop participants.

Our VegaWallet Mobile Application will be releasing by December 14th on Github and immediately after on The App Store and Google Play. All user accounts without an ERC20 address entered on their dashboard will receive their VGW tokens to their registered account. Users will be able to access the mobile application using the same log in information used for our token sale portal. This username will also work on all of our upcoming software releases as well. If you have forgotten your account information please first try to recover your password, if this does not work please send our support team an email.

If you wish to use an external wallet to receive your VGW Tokens please input your ERC20 address on the user dashboard page. Please make sure to do so immediately before our database switch. If you are unfamiliar with external ERC20 compatible wallets please see this third party tutorial :

When inputting custom token details please use the following information

Contract Address: 0x94236591125e935f5ac128bb3d5062944c24958c

Token Ticker: VGW

Decimals: 5

The VegaWallet Token will be tradable against BTC on the following exchanges starting December 12th, 2018

If you wish to use any of these exchanges to buy and sell VGW you must create an account on their platform and abide by all rules set forth by their organization. Each platform displays walk throughs for depositing and withdrawing your tokens if you are unfamiliar with this process. All of our featured exchanges lie in the top 100 exchanges worldwide and boast some of the best user features and liquidity options.

We wanted to thank you for your support and patience during development and have ensured that our platform uses the latest security features for protection of your funds. We have also added some features like a color change and the integration of DASH on version 1. We also know that everyone is excited for the launch of our native exchange and can expect this January 2019. We are committing a large amount of our resources to security testing in order to prevent hacking attempts and other malicious actions experienced by some platforms this year. We will continue to follow our road map to the best of our ability and look forward to a bright future together!

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