’Tis the season (for tractor work, trellis takedown, transition)

Colleen Hotchkiss
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2017

Despite the unseasonably warm weather, this week was full of typical fall tasks: discing fields in preparation for fall veggies, pulling out trellis from our first succession of tomato plants, and receiving delivery of our winter cover crop seed! With the help of an enthusiastic group from LinkedIn on Wednesday and our hardworking farm interns and volunteers yesterday, we accomplished a huge amount of work. In just two mornings, we cleared our entire tomato patch of trellis and stakes, a task that would’ve taken Jason and I a week to finish on our own. We’re one big step closer to having all our fields ready to plant cover crop so we’re feeling right on track!

Transformation in the tomato patch!

While the farm crew is preparing for the change of season, the rest of the Veggielution team has been working on some program changes to better engage people in volunteer opportunities on the farm. We’ve brought together all the ways that volunteers can contribute to the farm and take advantage of leadership development opportunities under a new umbrella: Eastside Grown. We know you value the weekly email with a list of what will be available at the Farm Stand, and we also want our Farm Stand customers to be more plugged in to all the other opportunities and activities we have going on at the farm. So beginning next week, you’ll still get a weekly Veggielution email, but with program updates and volunteer opportunities in addition to the list of Farm Stand produce. And once a month, we’ll send out a more comprehensive newsletter with updates from the fields, and big picture successes from our programs. If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me over email or in person.


