Vehikl at Laracon US 2017

Vehikl News
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2017


Vehikl was happy to sponsor Laracon for the fourth consecutive year. Laracon 2017 was hosted in the heart of New York City just a couple blocks from Times Square.

The venue was the swanky New World Stages tucked between Times Square and Hell’s Kitchen.

With both veteran Laracon attendees and total newbies to conferences, we were able to share this great experience with twenty members of the Vehikl team. So, how did it go?

It was a blast!

Here’s a rundown of the whole trip and some of our favorite people we look forward to seeing every year.

Vehikl goes to NYC

What better way to travel than in VR!

We started the day loading everybody into the bus and heading to Toronto.

We had a few adventures at the airport getting to New York, but once we arrived the whole crew (including Gary Bear) were very excited to kick off Laracon with some laughs!

Gary made it through security!

Once we rallied all the troops, we loaded into the next bus and headed to Manhattan.

We might spoil our crew a little :)

For many of the Vehikl team, this was their first time in NYC and for some it was also their first time at Laracon. We took some time our first night there to sightsee a little and have some fun before diving into the conference on day one.

Vehikl in Times Square
Vehikl finds the Barcade
Eric getting intense at the Barcade

Laracon Day One

We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to sponsor our favorite conference every year, and this year was no exception.

No better view than a packed venue!
Setting up the booth of fun Vehikl swag including our annual version of the swag giveaway!

The team enjoyed the talks and the networking, and others have done great pieces on summarizing the speakers and their topics so we don’t rehash those here.

Some of the team took advantage of the great networking.

Gary making the most of networking

We were excited to be able to have so much of our team at the event hearing and speaking to talented speakers.

Others volunteered time helping with the event, and everyone gathered for Taylor’s big annual announcement around Laravel updates…

…and new surprises!

All in all, day one was a big hit with the entire team!

Head over to Torqd, the new Vehikl podcast, to listen to the Day 1 recap live from the stage at Laracon US 2017.

A fun treat to wrap up day one was a magician! Who doesn’t love a good magic trick? Apparently bears…

Gary trying to like magic…
But our newest co-op, Margo, got in on the fun with the magician!

Laracon Day Two

Amongst the amazing talks on day two, Vehikl was sure to dive into all the fun Taylor and his team provided to attendees.

And, of course, it wouldn’t be a Laracon if we didn’t have a little fun with Taylor…

yes… that’s a temporary tattoo of Taylor

Gary made his reappearance on day two with many laughs and lots of great networking with new and old friends!

Gary is all of us, and we are all Gary

Some of our folks met up with old Laracon friends…

Jesse and Caryn with Mitchell and Tom on a submarine!

Vehikl wraps in NYC

Once the conference was officially over, Vehikl was invited to the WeWork Times Square office to meet some clients and friends.

WeWork Times Square rooftop terrace

What better way to finish off a company trip than on a rooftop terrace above Times Square?

What a great green space they’ve got!
Honorary Vehikl-ians join the crew on the WeWork terrace

We were thrilled to have our team joined by long-time friends from around the world on such a great trip to NYC to attend such a well-done conference.

Friendly arm wrestle… of course!
The night on the terrace was enjoyed by the whole team!

We even managed to get a few folks out to check out some other fun local spots in NYC before we left the next day.

Great chats with Laracon EU organizer Shawn McCool and Erie Day of Code organizer Matt Machuga and friends

As we wrapped up Laracon US 2017 in NYC, the Vehikl team was, as always, excited to have been involved with and was able to bring so many to our favorite conference of the year!

See you next year, Laracon!



Vehikl News

We are a team of passionate software artisans. We’re proud test-driven developers that focus on writing clean, maintainable code.