Veil weekly updates: April 16, 2019

A weekly digest of new Veil features and updates.

Paul Fletcher-Hill
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2019


Launch of pyveil

We’re excited to share a new community-contributed Python library for interacting with Veil’s API! The library, pyveil, was created by Crypto Master. If you’re interested in running a Python-based market maker or programmatic trading strategy, go check out the new library. We also recommend reviewing the Veil API docs and our Typescript library, Veil.js. Nice job, Crypto Master!


Speaking of things built with the Veil API…#YangGang just launched! #YangGang is an app for predicting how many Twitter followers Andrew Yang, the US presidential candidate, will have in the future. The trick is that users get free cryptocurrency (in the form of shares in this Veil market) for making predictions! Users make their picks by tweeting, so you don’t have to onboard with Metamask or another web3 wallet to earn cryptocurrency.

We’re fans of this app because it lowers the barrier to entry for new users getting their first cryptocurrency. All you have to do is tweet a prediction, and you’ll earn $1 towards your pick. Hopefully the app will also help educate people about prediction markets—and scalar markets in particular. Because users are given a small share in their predicted outcome, the monetary value of that position changes over time as the market moves and Andrew Yang’s follower count rises. Read more about scalar markets here.

Users are also encouraged to share #YangGang with their friends, because for each friend they refer, they get an additional $1 towards their prediction. And the friends then show up on your profile. See our referral link here!

Learn more about #YangGang by reading the FAQ, following @yanggangapp on Twitter, or reaching out over email at

Best performers from last week

Congratulations to these users on the best returns last week: calchulus (+37.54%), david (+28.55%), ravenxce (+26.44%), Poyo (+23.34%), and BOBUS (+17.46%)! See the full leaderboard here.



Paul Fletcher-Hill
Editor for

Building Veil ( Formerly Hill Street Labs, PatientBank.