Veil weekly updates: December 17, 2018

Paul Fletcher-Hill
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2018


Here’s a summary of new features and updates from the last week.

Wrap/unwrap Augur shares in the UI

We added a UI for wrapping/unwrapping Augur shares (click “Deposit/Withdraw Augur Shares” in any market). We recently announced Augur Virtual Shares, a template for wrapping Augur shares and approving them for trading on Veil via 0x. Now you can import Augur shares into Veil and vice versa from any market.

API documentation and Veil.js major release

This week we updated the way we return order books and order history from our API. To accompany the change, we released a new major version of Veil.js and published the first version of our API documentation. We hope that this release makes it easier for developers and traders to build trade bots and other software on top of Veil.

Note: We’re hoping to hold a virtual hackathon or meetup to dig through Veil’s API in more depth. If that sounds interesting to you, reach out to us via email or twitter or stay tuned for more updates.

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Though it’s a purely cosmetic update, we’re excited to say is the new We’ll be making further updates to our public site in preparation for mainnet soon. But for now, we hope you appreciate the new domain.



Paul Fletcher-Hill
Editor for

Building Veil ( Formerly Hill Street Labs, PatientBank.