Release of Veil Core wallet version

Sean Phillips
Published in
Jun 18, 2022

The Veil development team have just released version of the Veil Core wallet.

Veil Core 1.2.4 wallet update
Veil Core 1.2.4 Wallet Update

Updates for include no consensus changes and is not mandatory.

Version includes the added RPCs for external RandomX mining & a fix for (one type of) force_return errors, & in the command line interface (or RPC) create multiple transactions with one command, correct progress display on searchdeterministiczerocoin, build changes for c++17 and OSX, update for override of max thread usage, & more!

Upgrading is not mandatory, especially if you have already been running a recent wallet from the “master” branch. The previous mandatory release was version in May 2021.

Download Veil Core wallet v1.2.4.1 and read the full release notes here. Check our Veil support article for how to update your Veil wallet.

Still need assistance? Join the Veil community on Discord!



Sean Phillips

Veil technical support since 2018. Other tech support, network admin and consulting for decades before that.