My First Short Walk with My Trionic Veloped

Jim Salmons
Veloped’lin Colorado
2 min readApr 19, 2021


From Hospital Bed to Outdoor Walking — The Adventure Begins…

On July 2nd of 2020, just as the pandemic was hitting high gear for us in Colorado, I had a fall at home and suffered a devastating spinal cord injury. Long story short, seven days in the Intensive Care Unit followed by two and a half months in-patient rehab at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Lakewood, then seven months of at-home physical and occupational therapy, I was more than ready to get out for my first “spin” with our newly acquired Trionic Veloped.

I’ll share more about my research and selection of the Veloped as my outdoor walking assistive device in an article in the Resources section of the Veloped’lin Colorado publication/website. The more familiar terms for these mobility devices are “walker” and “rollator.” But I think of the Trionic Veloped as a mobility device in class of its own. That’s why Timlynn and I have tag-lined this publication as ‘Trailblazing with the “Mountain Bike” for Mobility-Challenged Walkers.’

On March 24th during my regular Physical Therapy session, we asked my PT Mark to shadow me on my first walk outside on the street next to our home. Timlynn shot the video. The clip is only 23 seconds long because we were just so excited to actually be outside and I was walking! We went around the bend and back for a few minutes and then headed inside for the rest of my session. This was the first of what we intend to be many outdoor walks on the road to my recovery.

Happy Healthy Vibes from Broomfield, Colorado,
-: Jim :-



Jim Salmons
Veloped’lin Colorado

I am a #CitizenScientist doing #DigitalHumanities & #MachineLearning research via FactMiners & The Softalk Apple Project. Medium is my #OpenAccess channel.