How to use VELO’s Stellar <> Binance Smart Chain Bridge

Velo Protocol
Velo Labs
Published in
Nov 15, 2021

To access Velo’s Cross-Chain bridge, visit here.

Note: User must have existing Stellar wallet to connect to Freighter. If you don’t have it already, create your wallet here: link

  1. Download chrome extensions app called “Freighter”.

2. Go to Velo Bridge link: and click “connect wallet”.

3. Log in to Freighter and share public key.

4.Add your Metamask address and add amount of VELO to transfer. Click transfer.

5. Wait for 3–5 minutes for the transaction to complete. Click confirm.

6. This screen will pop up when the transfer is complete.

7. To bridge VELO from BSC to Stellar, click the exchanging arrows and complete step 1–6.



Velo Protocol
Velo Labs

A blockchain financial protocol enabling digital credit issuance and borderless asset transfers for businesses using a smart contract system