Velotio Insights and Weekly Reading — 31st Aug 2018

Velotio Technologies
Velotio Perspectives
2 min readAug 31, 2018

At Velotio, we’re big fans of continuous learning! In tune with our Silicon Valley ethos, we believe knowledge is to be shared freely. We encourage our team to keep up with new technologies, get to know new domains and concepts by sending out a weekly reading list.

We thought it would be great to share this list publicly for everyone’s benefit. Typically, we post about software engineering, cloud, DevOps, machine learning and UI/UX.

You can follow Velotio Technologies to get these weekly learning updates.

[Architecture] Auth0 Architecture: Running In Multiple Cloud Providers And Regions. Learn more about how Auth0 architects its services to ensure scalability and high availability to handle more than 1.5 billion logins per month. Good read to understand their stack, services and cloud architecture.

[Python] A collection of Python tips and tricks, libraries and some weird/fun stuff.

[Basics — DNS] Do you know how DNS works? This is a quick read on how DNS system works without going into deep technical detail.

[Data Engineering] A visual overview of the 100s of tools/platforms/products in the data engineering space. You can dig through areas of your interest and share some new tools or libraries that you find compelling.


Velotio Technologies is a software engineering firm, with core expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning and DevOps. Our modus operandi is working with the latest transformative tech to turbocharge customer success.

Interested in learning more about us? We would love to connect with you on our Website, LinkedIn or Twitter.




Velotio Technologies
Velotio Perspectives

Velotio Technologies is an outsourced software and product development partner for technology startups & enterprises. #Cloud #DevOps #ML #UI #DataEngineering