Netlify’s “Continuous Deployment” Feature, Do You Know?

Takashi Iwamoto
VELTRA Engineering
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2018

November 2017, ThoughtWorks Technology Radar captured Netlify as a platform to be assessed. The radar says “ You can create static website content, check it into GitHub and then quickly and easily get your site live and available”.

In this post, let me describe my first assessment for Netlify, especially its “Continuous Deployment” feature.

Creating Demo Site

First of all, I have created a site named “veltra-iwamoto-demo”. The repository is

Production Branch and Production Deploy

Next, I have set the “master” branch as the “Production branch”. By this setting, when I push my code to “master” branch, Netlify will deploy it to

Netlify calls this feature “Production deploy”. I think this feature is common in platforms for static websites.

Branch Deploy

Next, I have set the “staging” branch as one of the “Branch deploys”. By this setting, when I push my code to “staging” branch, Netlify will deploy it to

I think this feature is useful because we can have multiple environments, such as “development”, “test” and “staging”. If we choose paid plans, we will be able to use Selective password protection.

Deploy Preview

“Deploy Preview” feature is enabled without any setting. By this feature, when I create new pull request to my production branch or to one of the “Branch deploys” branches, Netlify will automatically deploy a preview.

I have tried this feature by the following procedure.

  1. I have pushed a new feature to “feature/1” branch
  2. I have created pull request #1 to “staging” branch
  3. Netlify has deployed the preview to
  4. Yay!

I think this feature is powerful because we can get previews of each pull requests. Accessing a preview, we may discover bugs that we could not notice in code review.


“Deploy Preview” feature should be an enough reason to use Netlify. To learn more details, such as “Build command”, please refer the document:



Takashi Iwamoto
VELTRA Engineering

ENECHANGE株式会社VPoT兼CTO室マネージャー。AWS Community Builder (Cloud Operations)。前職はAWS Japan技術サポート。社内外を問わず開発者体験の向上に取り組んでいます。