Vendetta Ride, Part 3: Hell Bent for Leather

In a war of outlaws and gunslingers, only the strongest will survive

Vendetta Games
Vendetta Games Blog
4 min readMay 1, 2023


Tombstone was a powder keg ready to blow, and the Earps had just lit the fuse. The Cowboys, the gang of ruthless outlaws that had been terrorizing the region for years, had finally met their match. But by executing Frank Stilwell in broad daylight, Earp and his posse had gone from being respected lawmen to wanted outlaws. They would now need to face off against the long arm of the law, along with the devious Cowboys.

Wrong Side of the Law

March 22, 1882 — The night air was thick with tension as Sheriff Behan received the telegram he had been dreading. Gathering his deputies and Tombstone City Marshal Dave Neagle, they prepared to take down the Earp posse. As they passed through the door of the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Behan knew he was in for a fight. But he had no choice. He had to uphold the law, no matter what the cost.

Behan’s voice was firm as he called out to Deputy U.S. Marshal Earp. “Wyatt, I want to see you.” But Wyatt wasn’t going down without a fight. Without stopping, he replied, “You might see me once too often.” Behan and his posse stood no chance against the Earp party. They were outgunned and outmatched. They watched as the Earps picked up their horses and rode off into the night.

Indian Charlie Bites the Dust

March 22 — The Earp posse rode out to Pete Spence’s ranch, eager to track down Florentino “Indian Charlie” Cruz. The group knew that Cruz had taken part in Morgan’s murder and was a crucial piece of their vendetta puzzle. After arriving at the ranch, the posse engaged Cruz in a fierce gunfight. They managed to capture him and forced him to confess to his role in the murder.

Wyatt Earp, always one for a fair fight, allowed Cruz to keep his revolver in his holster. As soon as the confession was made, Wyatt instructed Cruz to draw his gun. It was over in a flash, as Wyatt’s bullet pierced through Cruz’s heart. Another name was crossed off their list, but the vendetta was not yet over.

The Final Gunfight

The tension was palpable as Wyatt Earp and his posse rode toward Curly Bill and his gang. The air was thick with the stench of gunpowder and the sound of hooves beating against the dusty ground. Suddenly, without warning, Curly Bill fired his shotgun at Wyatt but missed. Wyatt had protected Curly Bill in the past, but now it was clear that they were enemies.

Wyatt dismounted and grabbed a massive 22-inch, 10-gauge stagecoach shotgun, borrowed from Fred Dodge. As the other Cowboys opened fire, “Texas Jack” Vermillion’s horse was killed and fell on him, pinning his leg. Doc Holliday rushed to his aid, pulling him to safety as the lawmen continued to exchange gunfire with the Cowboys. The sound was deafening, and the air was thick with smoke and the smell of gunpowder.

Wyatt’s aim was true as he returned fire with his own shotgun, hitting Curly Bill in the chest with a thunderous blast that almost cut him in half. The notorious outlaw fell into the water by the edge of the spring, dead. But the Cowboys were not done yet. Johnny Barnes and Milt Hicks were shot by Wyatt as he tried to remount his horse, struggling to get his cartridge belt back into place. The gunfight was intense, and the lawmen knew they had to retreat. They rode away, their mission accomplished, leaving the dead and wounded behind.

The Posse Parts Ways

Frank Stillwell was dead. Indian Charlie was dead. Curly Bill was dead. Numerous other Cowboys were injured. Wyatt’s brothers were avenged. By the middle of April, the Vendetta Ride was over, less than a month after it began. Wyatt parted ways with his best friend Doc Holliday, and the rest of the posse went their separate ways.

Sheriff Behan hired a posse of 25 men who continued to pursue Wyatt for the murder of Frank Stilwell. But Earp was like a phantom, slipping in and out of the town with ease. Behan would hear rumors of his whereabouts, but by the time he arrived, Earp would be gone. In the end, Behan was forced to admit defeat. He never did catch Earp, and the gunslinger became a legend in the annals of Wild West history. THE END

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Vendetta Games
Vendetta Games Blog

Vendetta Games is a crypto-native game studio and Web3 community creating Wild West gaming experiences.