Evolution of the Internet Step by Step: Web 3.0

Gianluca Busato
Venice Swap
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2023

Internet technology, which is constantly evolving and offering new experiences to its users, has undergone a 30-year evolution process until today. Following Web 1.0, which offers a static experience to its users, and Web 2.0, which comes with social media and dynamic websites, Web 3.0 technology excites everyone with the privileges it offers.

Web 1.0, which consisted of static HTML pages and displayed information online, provided users with content and simple interactions. The maximum media that could be found on a site on Web 1 were GIFs and externally prepared flash animations or Java Script products. This format provided a completely decentralized structure hosted by a single server, where information could be spread on the internet without any censorship. However, the biggest disadvantage of Web 1 was that users did not have access to information production/editing and limited interaction.

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Web 2.0

In the Web 2.0 era, website editing/production panels became more accessible and the internet became a more interactive space. You can create your content and interact with applications and users on Web 2, the current version of the Internet. You can produce content on service providers such as WordPress and Tumblr, and increase your connections and interact on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Web 2 focused companies benefited the most from the advantages of this internet revolution. These companies, which have created a large database of their users, have created a great change in our lives with their advertisements targeting the consumer and their strategies to keep them in their ecosystem. At this point, concepts such as data tracking and data ownership have entered our lives. Users faced the risk of serious security problems in this system where their data and information were handed over to companies.

How Do Decentralized Applications Work?

Every step we take on the internet and our user information is copied and sent to a central server. So, can we trust the people and institutions that store our data? The centralized existence of the Internet brings security and privacy issues. Data stored and managed by organizations will be in one central place when sought after by those looking to steal or manipulate it. Web 3.0 technology comes with software solutions for all interactions and storage of data.

Web 3.0

Web 3 technology; It combines peer -to-peer (P2P ) technologies such as blockchain, virtual reality and open source software. With its logic focused on decentralization, it protects and stores data distributedly rather than in a single center. In this way, it becomes almost impossible for manipulators to access this information.

The first step towards P2P transactions without intermediaries was taken with the emergence of Bitcoin. In Web 3.0, data is stored by verifying this logic by sharing copies of a blockchain network on multiple computers. The steps for each transaction are provided by smart contracts on protocols, thus eliminating third parties and distributing the share of trust to everyone. With these systems, blockchain projects, cryptocurrencies and the ecosystems built around them are developing.

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With Web 3.0, users can use decentralized financial products, have a say in governance mechanisms with DAOs and own digital assets, while protecting their information and without intermediaries. In the near future, many platforms are expected to switch to a concept based on decentralization and trust.

Web 3.0 has begun. Trade on Venice Swap.


