5 tips to evaluate NFT projects before investing

Leticia Melo
Venture Web3 | Analytics & Education
2 min readMay 4, 2022

The crypto world can be a risky place, and nowhere is this more true than with NFTs. With the recent boom in the NFT market, there are more projects and collections popping up every day. Not all of them are worth your investment, though. Some are scams, and some will not retain their value over time. So, how can you tell which NFT projects are worth your hard-earned money? Here are 5 tips to help you out:

1. Do your research

This one should go without saying, but it’s important to do your research before investing in any NFT project. Not all projects are created equal, and some are more likely to succeed than others. Be sure to read up on the team behind the project, the project’s roadmap, and any other relevant information before making a decision.

2. Check the market

It’s also important to check the current market conditions before investing in an NFT project. If the market is currently flooded with a particular type of NFT, it’s likely that the prices will decrease at some point. On the other hand, if there is high demand for a certain type of NFT, the prices are more likely to go up.

3. Consider the utility

When you’re evaluating an NFT project, it’s important to consider the utility of the NFTs. What can they be used for? Are they backed by any real-world assets? The more useful an NFT is, the more likely it is to retain its value over time.

4. Look at the track record

Another important factor to consider is the track record of the team behind the project. Have they been involved in successful NFT projects in the past? Do they have a good reputation in the community? A team with a proven track record is more likely to deliver on their promises.

5. Ask around

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask around for opinions on an NFT project before investing. Talk to friends, family, and other members of the community to get a better idea of what people think about the project.

By following these tips, you’ll be in a much better position to make informed decisions about which NFT projects are worth your investment. Just remember to do your due diligence and always take into account the risks involved.

Have you invested in any NFT projects? What tips would you add to this list?

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Originally published at https://ladynakamoto.com on May 4, 2022.



Leticia Melo
Venture Web3 | Analytics & Education

Writer, reader, planner, web3 marketer, immigrant, skeptic by experience, romantic by nature, libertarian, amateur musician, wife and partner, great hugger.