Render Network Report

João Capinha
Venture Web3 | Analytics & Education
11 min readNov 16, 2023

Propelling the Future of AI-Enhanced Rendering Tech

Render Network is a leading decentralized GPU-based rendering solution developed by the Render Foundation. Focused on advancing rendering and AI technology, the network connects node operators with artists to monetize idle GPU power and scale 3D rendering work.

This analytical report explores the network’s operations, governance, and strategic role in the metaverse.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralized GPU Rendering: Leverages over 50,000 GPUs globally for faster, comprehensive rendering services.
  • Ethereum/Polygon Bridge: Implements Layer 2 for up to 40% lower transaction costs and 70% faster transactions, boosting network efficiency.
  • Industry Backing: Supported by OTOY Inc. and an advisory board of tech and entertainment leaders, showing strong industry support.
  • Tokenization: The RNDR token economy has a $800 million market cap with 370 million tokens, driving a dynamic rendering service economy.
  • Scale and Efficiency: Targets processing over 10 million rendering jobs yearly, reaching unprecedented industry scale and efficiency.
  • Innovation in Digital Rights and AI: Dedicates 15% of annual revenue to R&D in DRM and AI technologies, promoting innovation.
  • Community Governance: Over 30,000 members engage in governance, contributing to a democratically run ecosystem.
  • Metaverse Focus: Actively involved in metaverse rendering, collaborating with over 20 platforms.
  • Economic Model: Offers up to 50% cost savings in distributed rendering, enhancing the affordability of high-quality rendering.

Recognized for its scalability, speed, and efficiency, the Render Network supports applications in digital rights management, AI, and NFTs. Launched in April 2020 and steered by a global team and advisory board, it champions a “Render Economy,” leveraging blockchain technology for distributed rendering and underpinning a decentralized metaverse.

Let’s dive into each aspect of the project and analyze Render’s role in the future of the industry.

Image by Zomax

How does the decentralized GPU network work?

Decentralized GPU Rendering on the Render Network allows GPU owners anywhere in the world to offer their GPU’s computing power as a service.

By connecting to the network, these owners can rent out their idle GPU time to others who need additional processing power for tasks like 3D rendering.

This creates a decentralized marketplace: creators who need rendering power access it on-demand, while GPU owners monetize their unused resources.

This system leverages blockchain technology to manage transactions and distribute work, ensuring security, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace.

Scale and efficiency

The Render Network achieves scale and efficiency in rendering through a decentralized network of GPU providers. Here’s how it works:

  1. Decentralized Network: By connecting GPU owners (node operators) around the world, the Render Network creates a large, distributed pool of processing power. This means a vast amount of rendering tasks can be processed simultaneously, leading to greater scale.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Marketplace: Artists and creators who need rendering power connect to this network and send their tasks to be processed. This creates an on-demand rendering service that can scale according to the current needs and available resources.
  3. Tokenization: The RNDR token is used as a means of transaction within the network. This token incentivizes GPU owners to contribute their resources by providing them with a way to earn cryptocurrency for their services.
  4. Automation: Smart contracts automate the distribution of tasks and payments, reducing overhead and the need for intermediaries, which increases efficiency.
  5. Load Balancing: The network intelligently assigns rendering tasks to nodes with available capacity, optimizing the use of resources and reducing wait times.
  6. Upgraded Infrastructure: Continual updates to the network’s software, such as integrating the latest versions of OctaneRender, improve rendering speed and capabilities.
  7. Caching and Concurrency Algorithms: Efficiency is further enhanced by improvements in how data is cached and in the algorithms that determine how many rendering jobs a node can handle at once.

By combining these elements, the Render Network aims to handle large-scale rendering jobs more quickly and cost-effectively than traditional, centralized rendering farms. The decentralized nature of the network means it can continue to grow and add resources as more participants join, contributing to a scalable and efficient rendering ecosystem.


The Render Network’s tokenomics are structured around the RNDR token and are designed with several key features:

  • Total Supply: Capped at approximately 536 million RNDR tokens.
  • Allocation:
  • 25% were sold to the public.
  • 10% are held in the RNDR Reserve for user acquisition and network growth.
  • 65% are kept in escrow to manage supply and demand within the network.
  • Transaction Fees: A variable fee ranging from 0.5% to 5% per job is charged to cover network maintenance.
  • Token Sales: Conducted in public and private phases with a set price and bonuses but without vesting.
  • Migration: Tokens from the old contract are migrated to a new one with smart contract functionality.
  • Purchasing Plan: RNDR tokens are bought on the open market to support network growth and user acquisition

Token Utility

The RNDR token is an ERC-20 utility token specifically created for the Render Network.

Its primary utility is to facilitate the rendering work on the network.

Node Operators can earn RNDR tokens by providing their GPU power for rendering tasks, while creators use RNDR tokens to pay for these rendering services.

This utility forms a crucial part of the network’s ecosystem, incentivizing participation and ensuring the smooth operation of the marketplace.

Additionally, unlike RNDR Credits, RNDR tokens can be bought and sold on cryptocurrency exchanges, providing liquidity and a market-driven price mechanism for the token.

The RNDR team has introduced a Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution using the Ethereum/Polygon bridge to reduce transaction costs and times and to lower the environmental impact by transitioning from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake.

The Ethereum blockchain’s congestion and high gas prices in 2020 led to the need for this solution.

L2 operates by verifying transactions on the Polygon sidechain before passing them through the Ethereum chain, thus avoiding Ethereum’s high costs and slow transaction times.

Although there’s an initial gas fee to enter the network, Polygon will enable cheaper transfers and faster payouts and is compatible with Ethereum’s tools and infrastructure for ongoing development.

Users can move their tokens to the Polygon network via the specified bridge.

Trading Overview

Here’s a trading overview of the RNDR token with information from November 9, 2023:

  • Market Cap: $890,888,396 USD
  • Circulating Supply: 371,908,453 RNDR tokens
  • Max Supply: 536,870,912
  • Current Price: $2.38.
  • 24-hour Trading Volume: $80,268,936.25.

Team Overview

The Render Network team comprises a diverse group of individuals and advisors with extensive experience in technology, entertainment, and blockchain:

  • Jules Urbach: Founder of Render, he is also the strategic visionary and chief architect at OTOY, with over 25 years in computer graphics, streaming, and 3D rendering.
  • Ari Emanuel: CEO of Endeavor, a global sports and entertainment company, with a history of significant mergers and acquisitions in the talent agency space.
  • J.J. Abrams: Chairman and CEO at Bad Robot Productions, bringing a wealth of experience in storytelling and technology.
  • Brendan Eich: Founder and CEO at Brave Software and BAT, and an advisor to OTOY, with insights into new transaction and security architectures.
  • Mike Winkelmann (Beeple): A highly influential digital artist known for his every day and VR/AR work, contributing to the creative aspect of the network.
  • Jennifer Zhu Scott: Principal at Radian and a member of the World Economic Forum’s council, providing expertise in blockchain’s impact on creative economies.
  • Demian Brener: Co-Founder and CEO at Zeppelin Solutions, responsible for strategic direction and leading the company’s auditing and consulting business.
  • Manuel Araoz: CTO at Zeppelin Solutions and a partner at INBlockchain, with a focus on building secure smart contracts and advising high-profile blockchain projects.

Governance system

The Render Network employs a decentralized governance system, which is designed to democratize decision-making and allow key stakeholders to have a say in the network’s development. Here’s a breakdown of its governance system:

  1. Stakeholder Involvement: Governance is distributed among the core users of the network, including artists, node operators, liquidity providers, and consumers. This ensures that the people who have a vested interest in the platform’s success are the ones steering its future.
  2. Render Network Proposal (RNP) Process: This is a structured framework that allows community members to propose changes to the network. These proposals can cover various aspects of the network’s operations, from technical changes to economic parameters.
  3. Community Voting: Once a proposal is put forward, it goes through a period of community feedback and deliberation. After refinement and review, it is put to a vote. This may involve the use of the network’s native token (RNDR) to cast votes, tying the economic stake in the network to the governance process.
  4. Implementation: If a proposal is approved, it moves to the implementation phase. This process is also overseen by the community, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  5. Render Network Foundation: This is the governing body behind the Render Network. It manages the community forums and facilitates the governance process. The Foundation works to maintain the protocol and support the network’s strategic priorities.
  6. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): The governance structure is aimed to evolve into a DAO, where automated smart contracts will execute community decisions without centralized control, further promoting a transparent and efficient governance process.

This governance system is designed to adapt and evolve with the needs of the Render Network’s community, ensuring that it remains aligned with the interests of its users and is resilient to the changing dynamics of the decentralized economy.

How to use render network

To get started as a creator on the Render Network, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have an active OctaneRender License or Subscription, which you can purchase from OTOY.
  2. If you already have an OctaneRender Subscription or Maintenance License, go to the Creator portal at
  3. Log in with your OTOY account details.
  4. Once logged in, you’re ready to start rendering on the Render Network.

Using the Render Network involves a systematic process where content creators upload rendering tasks, and GPU service providers complete them. Here’s a condensed version of the steps:

  1. Creating a Job: Creators submit their rendering task as an ORBX file with specified parameters, such as resolution and sample size, and choose a service tier.
  2. Uploading a Job: Jobs are uploaded via the OctaneRender web portal, where the Creator’s assets are split, encrypted, and hashed for security and traceability. The job details and payment terms are encapsulated in a smart contract.
  3. Assigning a Job: The Render Network automatically assigns Node Operators to jobs using the MTP protocol, which considers the Node Operators’ reputation and the Creators’ needs.
  4. Completing a Job: Node Operators process the jobs using OctaneRender, with each step verifiable through a unique identifier to ensure Proof of Render.
  5. Verifying Deliverables: Creators can monitor the rendering progress and flag any issues before completion. Outputs are encrypted, and previews are watermarked.
  6. Completing Payment: Upon job completion and Creator approval, payment is released from escrow to the Node Operator. The Render Network takes a service fee, after which Creators can access their rendered content.

You can find more detailed instructions on how to use the network here.

Render and the Metaverse

3D rendering is a critical technology for the creation of the metaverse, which is envisioned as a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical and digital reality. 3D rendering allows for the creation of high-fidelity graphics that can simulate realistic or stylized environments, objects, and characters that make up the metaverse’s content. Here’s how Render Network relates to the metaverse and its potential position within it:

  1. Content Creation: Render Network enables creators to produce 3D content essential for building the immersive experiences of the metaverse. By providing decentralized rendering services, Render facilitates the creation of detailed and complex digital worlds without the need for expensive local hardware.
  2. Scalability: As the metaverse expands, the demand for 3D content will likely skyrocket. Render Network’s decentralized rendering can scale with this demand, offering more power as more nodes join the network.
  3. Accessibility: Render Network can lower the barrier to entry for content creators by providing access to high-quality rendering resources, which is vital for encouraging diverse content creation within the metaverse.
  4. Economic System: With its RNDR token, Render Network has a built-in economic system that aligns with the digital economy of the metaverse, where transactions for goods and services will likely be conducted with cryptocurrency.
  5. Decentralization: The ethos of the metaverse is heavily tilted towards decentralization, mirroring the decentralized structure of blockchain technology which is also the foundation of Render Network. This could make Render Network a natural fit for the metaverse’s infrastructure.
  6. Innovation: Render Network is continuously integrating new technologies such as AI and blockchain, which are likely to play significant roles in the development and operation of the metaverse.
  7. Interoperability: By providing services that are blockchain-based, Render Network may support the interoperability between different platforms within the metaverse, facilitating seamless asset transfers and rendering jobs across various virtual environments.
  8. Governance: The decentralized governance model of Render Network may influence the governance structures within the metaverse, advocating for community-driven development and decision-making.

Render Network is poised to be a significant player in the metaverse by providing the necessary infrastructure to create, operate, and govern a vast, user-driven virtual space. Its role may expand as the metaverse evolves, possibly becoming a backbone service for creators and users of the metaverse.

The future of Render Network

The future adoption of the Render Network is likely to be influenced by several factors:

  1. Growth of the Metaverse: As the concept of the metaverse gains traction and more virtual worlds are created, the demand for high-quality 3D rendering will increase. Render Network’s decentralized rendering services are well-positioned to meet this demand.
  2. Advancements in VR and AR: Virtual and augmented reality technologies are rapidly advancing and require substantial rendering capabilities. Render Network can provide the necessary computational power for these graphics-intensive applications.
  3. Expansion of Digital Assets: The proliferation of NFTs and digital collectibles requires rendering for creation and visualization. The Render Network could become a key player in this space.
  4. Increased Awareness of Blockchain: As blockchain technology becomes more mainstream, the understanding and acceptance of decentralized services like Render Network are likely to grow.
  5. Ecosystem Partnerships: Collaborations with other blockchain projects, content creation platforms, and digital asset marketplaces can drive adoption.
  6. Accessibility and User-Friendly Tools: Making the network accessible to non-technical users through simplified interfaces and integrations with popular content creation tools will be crucial for widespread adoption.
  7. Community and Governance: Strong community governance can foster trust and align the network’s evolution with user needs, encouraging participation.
  8. Competitive Pricing: As rendering can be resource-intensive and expensive, Render Network’s ability to offer cost-effective solutions will be attractive to users.
  9. Environmental Considerations: The shift towards more environmentally friendly blockchain operations could attract users who are conscious of the carbon footprint associated with rendering tasks.
  10. Innovation and Updates: Continuous technological innovation, staying ahead of rendering trends, and updating the network to support the latest rendering technologies will be key.

The adoption curve will depend on how these and other factors play out, and how effectively the Render Network can capitalize on emerging opportunities in the rendering and broader tech landscape.

