Venture Garden Group’s 2016 Engineering Intern Wrap I

Venture Garden Group Technology Blog
4 min readJun 1, 2016

We’ve invited one of this year’s undergraduate interns to share his experience from working with our engineering team. He is a 400Level computer engineering student of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile ife, Osun state. He worked on three projects during the course of the internship which lasted for about six months.

Techblog: Can you please introduce yourself? What Course are you studying in school, what school do you attend etc?

Franklyn: I am AGBOMA Franklyn Chukwuemeka, a software developer (Mobile) on Android platform and a start up Hardware programmer with VHDL.

Techblog: Can you give me a brief overview of what it is you do as a Mobile developer?

Franklyn: Mostly, everything that makes up a Mobile application, the look and feel (Front end) and the Core (Back end) of an application.

Techblog: What project(s) did you work on during the internship? What tools did you use? How did you implement it?

Franklyn: List of projects I worked on:

1) Garden beep (Project Notification Service): Garden beep is a Mobile application that serves as a service for all available projects done on VGG. Garden beep gives summarized updates on all VGG projects,and allows the user manage how frequent such notifications are received to save battery life span and unnecessary wake of users devices.

2) SecureTech: SecureTech is an Android mobile biometric registration application for The Civil Service of the Federation. This application gets user personal details, finger print scan and relate all these information with the server to save and verify registered users details.

3) SMARTDeploy (Octopus Mobile): SMARTDeploy is an Android mobile application deployment tool that serves the same purpose as Octopus deploy web application.

Techblog: What did you find most challenging as a Mobile developer?

Franklyn: The most challenging aspect I experienced was whenever the Quality Assurance Analysts return a report based on their tests on a build/release. While the build was being worked on, I always assumed the app was really cool but on seeing the report, I always found out that what I thought was cool was actually buggy and not so acceptable and then a better approach is always proposed. At some point, I had to become my own QA which gave me a step ahead (I learnt this the hard way).

Techblog: What was your favourite aspect about your internship as a Mobile developer/ QA?

Franklyn: My favourite part of my internship was understanding the simplicity and importance of the look and feel of a Mobile application.

Techblog: What do you value most in your work at Venture Garden Group (VGG)?

Franklyn: Free WIFI.

Techblog: What part of your internship makes you the most proud?

Franklyn: The product SecureTech made me most proud. I was given the opportunity to prove my self as a mobile developer who was willing to move VGG to a greater level and that I did, thanks to Mr. JEKOYEMI Victor.

Techblog: What is your typical workday like? What time of the working day is your favourite and why?

Franklyn: 8–9pm ,I love to visit my account on Stack overflow to check if there is a question that I might have a solution for. This helps me remember all that I have learnt. 9–5pm, I go back to the work for the day. 5pm-night out, my personal training (learning more and better ways to approach some problems), play games or see movies.

Techblog: What are the most important lessons you’ve learned during your internship?

Franklyn: The lessons I learnt during my internship

  • It takes time to produce a good projects.
  • The only way to improve oneself is to practice more

Techblog: Who was the biggest influence or favourite colleague during your internship ?

Franklyn: My biggest influence Mr. JEKOYEMI Victor.

Techblog: Any relationship/friendship/contact you hope to maintain after you leave and why?

Franklyn: Yes, a lot. The mobile team ( Seyi Afolayan, Femi Bamisaye, Ruth Okoilu), Sunday Okoro, Simeon Babatunde, Aborode Bukola, Olaoye Tosin. Reasons for 1, 2 and 3, there is always an understanding communication between developers which is rare and can only be found on those that not just know programming but understand programming, that I found in them. Reason for 4 and 5, there are lovely ladies, they really understand people’s feelings and use such understanding as a communicating tool.

Techblog: What do you see for your future at VGG?

Franklyn: One of the most valued mobile developer in Nigeria which would be a product of VGG, well developed in skills and contribute successfully to the company.

Techblog: Favourite Quotes? Shout Outs?

Franklyn: My favourite quotes are

  • You can be who ever you what to be just be good at it.
  • Life is like a coin, you can spend it on anything you want but you can only spend it once.
  • You’re never wrong to do the right thing.
  • 10 times X codes to a problem is 5 divided by its previous total in next five year, practice makes perfect.

My shout outs go to;

  • Mr JEKOYEMI Victor who will always tell you the wrongs you have made no matter how bad it makes you feel and believes you are better than what you want you think.
  • Mr Deji (DCTO) who will always give you the ways to win an argument especially on internet of things, data storage and retrieving.
  • All Mobile developers, thanks for the support.

