From Zero to One and a Half: What to Do When Your Startup Isn’t Quite There Yet.

Tom Madden
Venture Rise
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2024

Strategies for startups stuck in the liminal space between ideation and full-scale execution.

by Byjus.

You’ve launched your startup, but it’s not quite where you want it to be. You’re not at zero anymore — you’ve moved beyond the initial idea stage, maybe even have some early traction — but you’re not at full-scale success either. Welcome to the liminal space between “zero” and “one,” where many startups find themselves stuck. It’s a place of progress, yes, but also of uncertainty, frustration, and a lot of “what’s next?” Here’s how to navigate this in-between phase and push your startup closer to that elusive “one.”

Embrace the Grind

First things first: recognize that this phase is normal. It’s the grind, the often unglamorous work of turning potential into something tangible. You’re building systems, refining your product, and figuring out your market fit. It’s not as exhilarating as the initial launch, but it’s essential. This is where the real work happens, where your startup either gains the momentum it needs to succeed or stalls out. Embrace the grind and focus on steady, incremental progress.

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Your product or service might be out there, but it’s not perfect — and that’s okay. In this liminal space, iteration is your best friend. Use customer feedback to refine and improve what you’re offering. Don’t be afraid to make changes, even significant ones, if it means getting closer to what your market really wants. Remember, this phase is about learning and adapting. The faster you iterate, the sooner you’ll hit on the version of your product that can truly scale.

Focus on Building a Loyal Customer Base

Even if you’re not growing as fast as you’d like, now is the time to build a loyal customer base. These early adopters are invaluable — they’re the ones who will stick with you through the rough patches and provide the feedback you need to improve. Engage with them, listen to their needs, and make them feel like they’re part of your journey. A small, loyal customer base can be the foundation for future growth.

Strengthen Your Team

This is also the time to focus on building and strengthening your team. As your startup moves from ideation to execution, you’ll need people who are not just talented, but also committed to the mission. This might mean hiring new team members who bring skills you’re lacking or re-aligning your current team around the goals that will get you to the next level. A strong, cohesive team is essential for navigating this in-between phase.

Refine Your Market Positioning

You’ve likely identified your target market, but now is the time to refine your positioning. Are you communicating your value proposition clearly? Are you differentiating yourself from competitors? Use this phase to fine-tune your messaging and ensure that your marketing efforts are resonating with your audience. Positioning isn’t static — it evolves as your product and market do. The better you can articulate your unique value, the easier it will be to gain traction.

Tighten Up Operations

As you move from early-stage chaos to a more structured operation, it’s important to tighten up your processes. This doesn’t mean stifling creativity or becoming bureaucratic, but rather ensuring that your operations can support growth. Whether it’s improving your supply chain, refining your customer service protocols, or automating repetitive tasks, streamlining your operations now will pay off as you scale.

Plan for Scaling, Even if You’re Not Ready Yet

You might not be scaling yet, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be planning for it. Use this time to lay the groundwork for future growth. What will your company look like when you’re serving ten times as many customers? How will you handle increased demand? By thinking about these questions now, you can put systems in place that will make scaling smoother when the time comes.

Stay Patient but Persistent

It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re stuck in this liminal space, especially if you’re not seeing the rapid progress you hoped for. But remember, building a successful startup is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay patient but persistent. Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like progress is slow. Every small win, every incremental improvement, is a step closer to that elusive “one.”

Celebrate the Progress

Finally, take time to celebrate the progress you’ve made. You might not be where you want to be yet, but you’re not at zero either. Acknowledge the hard work, the lessons learned, and the milestones achieved. Celebrating these moments can help keep you motivated and remind you of how far you’ve come.

From One and a Half to One

Being stuck between zero and one can be frustrating, but it’s also a sign that you’re on the right path. This liminal space is where startups are made — where you lay the foundation for future success. By embracing the grind, iterating relentlessly, and staying focused on your goals, you can push your startup through this phase and onto the next. It’s not an easy journey, but it’s one that will ultimately define your startup’s success.



Tom Madden
Venture Rise

I write about business, politics, sports, and pets. My goal is to offer sharp insights, balanced views, and engaging stories that inform and inspire readers.