Join the Venture Family


Our President’s Message

As a freshman looking at clubs on campus, I had no idea what I wanted at the time. All that I knew is that consulting clubs were the “thing people do.” I applied to about ten clubs, including Venture, and was denied from all of them.

After opening my Venture denial e-mail, I was ready to give up on consulting clubs forever and build a new path. Thankfully, I was convinced otherwise.

At the time, I had a very close friend in Venture who convinced me to reapply. He said the reason I didn’t get in was that I focused too much on selling my professional ability, rather than my personal ideals and interests. He reminded me that Venture invests in people above all else, and he gave me the most important piece of advice I’ve received in college: be unapologetically yourself.

I took this advice to heart when I reapplied to Venture. I felt like Venture members genuinely listened to me and were interested in my weird interests. I bonded with club members over our love of sports, Thai food, and Led Zeppelin. I went full nerd and talked about my love of geography and its influence on cuisine.

I got accepted. Over the past two years, I’ve made some of my closest friends, grown immensely, and am now the President of the club.

I share this story for prospective applicants because I want you not to make the mistake I did. Especially in an online semester, we need human connection, human experiences, and friendship. At Venture, we want to invest in you and develop and grow together.

We at Venture wish you the best of luck as you begin this virtual club recruitment journey. And of course, we hope that you apply to be a part of the Venture family ;)

Our Recruitment Process

We are super excited to see that you’re interested in joining Venture!

Throughout our entire process, we recommend you try to reach out to our members and coffee chat them. Our members are super excited to meet applicants and help you learn more about Venture. Check out our graphic and a short description of each event to learn more.

  • Application: Our first round is an application. All we ask is that you be yourself and give thoughtful answers! We look for people who are passionate and have shown leadership skills in the past, so it is okay to not have a lot of experience in business, tech, etc. We really want to know who you are; you have something to offer to the start-up community and we are really interested in learning about it.
  • Group Interview: Group interviews allow us to see one of the traits that we value the most: Teamwork. We want to see how you work with others and your ability to compromise with opposing opinions. We also highly recommend you attend our Case Workshop recruitment event to gain more exposure. Don’t worry about background experience: we also spend a lot of time ensuring our group case requires no extra knowledge of the specific industry or companies. A quick tip is to make sure you watch the time during the interview, as it is easy to get distracted when working with others.
  • Individual Interview: The next round is the most intimate: individual interviews. First, one or two of our senior members will sit down with you and run a traditional case interview. Our goal is not to test how well you know business terms or frameworks — we are looking to see how well you are able to communicate your ideas and construct a recommendation given a case study. Your interviewer is there to guide you and observe how you learn, so don’t hesitate to ask clarifying questions. Second, the interviewer/s will ask you behavioral questions. Why did you decide to Venture? What makes you interesting and interested? Why are you drawn to entrepreneurship?
  • Social Night: Our final stage is our Social Night. Put all your professional conversation topics aside — we want to learn about you and you to learn about us! This event is an hour of fun and games where you can learn more about our social culture. We recommend you just be yourself and try to meet as many Venture members as possible.
  • Conclusion: And that’s it! We try to make sure that our recruitment process is unbiased based on your backgrounds, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any concerns or issues. Good luck and we can’t wait to meet you!

Our Professional Work

We are a student-run management consulting group focused on providing end-to-end services to elite, rising start-ups.

We provide a number of services in business strategy, including product development, marketing & branding, price & data analysis, statistical fieldwork, and product expansion .We’ve delivered high-quality, comprehensive projects to more than 50 clients spanning multiple industries, including Lime, Niantic Labs, Figma, Tile, and Ginger Labs.

At the beginning of each semester, the client liaison and our project managers agree upon a Statement of Work, defining the project scope. Thereafter, a team of 4–5 consultants led by 2 project managers communicate regularly with the client to deliver two effective deliverables, one at the half-way point and another one at the end.

Over the years, we’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our clients, and hope to continue expanding our entrepreneurial passion by servicing the startups of tomorrow.

Our Position Hierarchy

Our Social Events

We always like to say Venture is 50% professional, 50% social. This semester our plan is to create a series of intimate virtual events bring in our newest members to the family. Additionally, we hope that once permitted by available safety measures, we will bring our members out to an exciting, potentially destination, in-person retreat.

Despite the pandemic situation, our Events Committee and Executive team have many exciting socials planned for the upcoming semester. One such initiative is our House System, consisting of a 4 party competition within the club. Our renovated Big/Little system, integrated within each House, will add an extra layer of ushering Big and Little pairs into one team. Houses will complete various challenges, including 2 House Cup events, throughout the semester to win the final House Cup at our banquet. New members of this recruiting cycle will also be initiated into respective houses.

Our Family

All in all, Venture can be best summed up in one word: family. Thank you for reading about Venture; we hope you gained valuable insight into our club!

Edited by: Albert Wen, Anika Mirza, Ria Vora. Written by: Sameer Annamraju, Meghan Wang, Parham Rouzbahani, Ritik Batra, Shreya Khandewale.

