Get Rich without Winning the Lottery!

Chulani De Silva
Venture Verse
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2024

It can be difficult to begin your wealth creation path, especially if you are just starting out! Resilience, having a well-defined plan, and being open to taking on risks and learning are necessary to become financially independent. Systemic impediments and gender prejudices can make this journey much more daunting for women, especially those pursuing entrepreneurship.

Here’s the Ideal way to Start your Journey towards Wealth

  1. The Right Mindset

I’d say the cornerstone of your success is your thinking!

Developing a wealth mindset is about turning your attention from constraints to opportunities. It’s about learning from mistakes, recognizing possibilities where others perceive barriers, and steadfastly pursuing your objectives. Adopt a growth mentality, appreciate the need for financial knowledge, and show yourself open to constant learning and adaptation.

1. Educate yourself on Financial Literacy

Well, it is essential to be financially literate.

It’s also critical to comprehend the fundamentals of debt repayment, investing, saving, and budgeting. Numerous free online resources are available to assist you in establishing a strong foundation in finance. You’ll be able to manage your finances more wisely after receiving this education.

2. Build Additional Income Streams!

It’s dangerous to rely just on one source of income! We all know anything can happen at any time!

Seek chances to generate extra sources of income. This could include launching a side business, making investments in assets that generate revenue, or converting a pastime into a lucrative endeavor. The idea is to have several revenue streams that you can use to finance investments and improve the security of your finances.

Remember, taking chances is a common part of creating wealth! Failures and setbacks are inevitable on the road to financial success. The capacity to view failure as a teaching tool is what sets successful people apart from others. Don’t forget to examine what went wrong, modify your approach, and keep trying.

The secret to overcoming challenges is resilience!



Chulani De Silva
Venture Verse

Physiotherapist | Content Writer - A wordsmith who dives into the world of business through writing.