Mastering the Art of Success: Bill Cummings’ Career Principles for a Lifetime of Achievement

Chulani De Silva
Venture Verse
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2023
Image By: The Boston Globe

How can we adapt the American Philanthropist’s principles to unlock the door to success?
Renowned billionaire Bill Cummings’s success with nearly $2 Billion assets is only dreamt of by the world!
As the son of a house painter, he was determined to be successful. Thus, he was a believer in certain principles that you must understand as well to maximize your lifetime.

In a recent interview highlighted by the New York Post, Cummings generously shared the enduring habits he considers essential for success, along with the qualities he eagerly seeks in job applicants…

1. Save Money!

One of Cummings’ fundamental pieces of advice to young individuals is the significance of saving money. He emphasizes the importance of diligent work and saving, cautioning against unnecessary spending.

“Work hard and save your money. Don’t spend it. Many young people are
not taught to save.”

Cummings and his wife continue to practice thriftiness, including using coupons and flying in economy class, deriving satisfaction from saving money. This principle underscores the significance of financial responsibility and delayed gratification.

2. Work Hard and be Dedicated

When it comes to the qualities vital for securing employment, Cummings places great value on attributes such as determination and drive.

“Nothing is as important as hard work, desire, persistence, and dedication. What idle pleasures are we willing to give up to achieve what we really want?”

He highlights the importance of relentless dedication to one’s goals, the willingness to make sacrifices, and the recognition that success often requires hard work and unwavering commitment.

3. Embrace Integrity and Respect

Cummings places a premium on integrity and displaying respect towards others.

He acknowledges that everyone possesses distinct skills and abilities, as well as unique flaws and shortcomings. Cummings encourages individuals to consistently work on nurturing a robust set of values, even if they occasionally fall short in their daily lives. Thus, he emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct, treating others with respect, and striving for personal growth and integrity.

4. Traits for Success

He spotlights three vital attributes for success!
Effective writing, curiosity, and problem-solving…
Cummings believes that the capacity to express thoughts coherently is hailed as a gateway to excellence in various fields. Additionally, curiosity, driven by an insatiable appetite for understanding, fuels exploration and innovation.

He also believes that the ability to identify and overcome challenges proactively serves as the bedrock for innovative solutions and remarkable achievements.

5. Find Joy in the work!

He personally finds fulfillment in opportunistic value creation and job generation.

“The secret of entrepreneurship is engaging in work that you eagerly anticipate when you wake up in the morning. If you don’t truly enjoy it, you’re already in an uphill battle.”

Well above all, Bill Cumming is a major example of Discipline!

His emphasis on putting in a lot of effort, saving money, maintaining one’s integrity, and having a passion for one’s work serves as an example for people who want to be great.



Chulani De Silva
Venture Verse

Physiotherapist | Content Writer - A wordsmith who dives into the world of business through writing.