Real or Fake: How to Identify Genuine Investment Advice over Misseling Bad Products

Dinelka Mahaliyana
Venture Verse
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2023

In the complicated field of financial markets, both seasoned investors and novices must distinguish between genuine investment advice and misleading details.

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”

- Physicist Richard Feynman -

This wisdom is especially important when making financial decisions. The development of so-called finfluencers has added a new dimension to the challenge, making it critical to discern between licensed and unregulated guidance.

Regulatory Perspective vs. Individual Investor Concerns

The regulatory challenge is ensuring that anyone providing financial advice is appropriately regulated.

However, for the individual investor, regardless of regulatory status, the attention moves to the impact of poor advice. Whether the advice comes from a trained professional or a YouTube finfluencer, the sorrow of financial loss is the same.

Leading to the question Is this Real or fake?

This highlights the need for genuine investment advice that prioritizes investor education and financial literacy!

Recognizing and Ignoring the Fake Advice

The essence of the issue is empowering investors to realize when they are being offered inappropriate financial products.

The emphasis should change from learning about investment possibilities to learning about what not to do with one’s money.

This sort of financial literacy is frequently gained through personal experiences, emphasizing the value of sharing stories and lessons learned.

Remember the use of misleading terminology shows how they are delivering incorrect information. This strategy is not limited to banks; other YouTube influencers may use less sophisticated tactics as well.

Genuine investment advice should focus on encouraging individuals to question and clarify facts during investment discussions to counteract such deceptive practices.

Understanding terminology distinctions becomes critical!

Practical examples and case studies can be effective tools for communicating the value of skepticism and due diligence.

Investors may prepare themselves with the skills needed to handle the complexities of the financial world by emphasizing financial literacy that goes beyond the basics. Finally, the purpose is to develop a culture of informed decision-making and appropriate financial conduct, not just to protect investors from bad counsel.



Dinelka Mahaliyana
Venture Verse

Biomedical Scientist | Content Writer - Embarking on a journey to provide insights to All!