The Heart of Entrepreneurship

Chulani De Silva
Venture Verse
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2024

The concept of entrepreneurship has become a rallying cry for companies seeking to enhance their startup investments and competitive edge.

The familiar terrain of established practices and routines, once seen as a haven, now carries its own set of dangers. Embracing entrepreneurship is increasingly considered a vital infusion of creativity, innovation, and adaptability.

This paradigm shift is not just a trend but a strategic imperative for businesses, both large and small, aiming to thrive in the dynamic world of commerce.

But what exactly does entrepreneurial mean?

Entrepreneurship, as defined by managers and portrayed in the popular press, is a comprehensive notion that includes characteristics such as innovation, flexibility, dynamism, risk-taking, creativity, and growth orientation.

The success stories of industry giants like Apple Computer, Domino’s Pizza, and Lotus Development serve as beacons of inspiration, reinforcing the notion that starting and operating new ventures are hallmarks of entrepreneurial prowess.

So, the challenge for the aspiring entrepreneur is, “How can I establish innovation, flexibility, and creativity?” To assist this person in finding answers, we must first examine the entrepreneurial process.

The Entrepreneurial Process

Pressures for entrepreneurship expansion are often external to the organization, as they are often based on developments in the marketplace.

Remember that the limitations to entrepreneurial action typically arise from inside, as a result of high-level decisions and the demands of hierarchy. Administrators and entrepreneurs frequently approach decision-making in quite different ways.

Typical Administrators Ask:

What resources do I have control over?

What framework governs our company’s relationship with its market?

How can I reduce the influence of others on my capacity to perform?

What is the best opportunity?

On the other end of the spectrum, the entrepreneur frequently asks:

Where can I find the opportunity?

How can I make the most of it?

What resources do I require?

How do I gain command over them?

What is the best structure?

Stimulating Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a trait that is not limited to certain types of people or organizations.

Many people are motivated to pursue opportunities because they want to be their boss and be financially self-sufficient.

Society may do a lot to encourage or discourage the growth of entrepreneurship. Government policy has the potential to significantly increase opportunity. Recent decisions to reduce capital gains taxes and de-regulate some industries have aided in the development of many new enterprises that would not have existed otherwise! Similarly, how our colleges and universities educate business management has an impact on how people approach entrepreneurship.

Companies find it far easier and safer to stick with what they know rather than venture into the unknown.

Only by promoting change and experimentation can businesses of all sizes be able to adapt and expand in the face of great uncertainty!



Chulani De Silva
Venture Verse

Physiotherapist | Content Writer - A wordsmith who dives into the world of business through writing.