7 Best Ways to Optimize CTR in SEO

How to stand out in the search results page to win the click

Dewni De Silva
5 min readFeb 26, 2023


Banner — Meta image

Organic click through rate (CTR) is at an all time low. Mobile CTR is now down by 41.4% since 2015. With all these changes happening to organic CTRs, how can you, as an individual or a business, take a shot at being ranked on top and win a click?

Brian Dean, together with the support of data provided by Semrush, analyzed CTR data across 1,312,881 pages and 12,166,560 search queries (that’s a lot!), where they looked into factors like title tag length, sentiment and meta descriptions affect organic CTR.

Here are some of the key findings of the research:

description about some of the key findings from a research about how to increase CTR in SEO

So here are some detailed analysis from the above research:

1) Write your title tags between 40–60 characters

What’s the ideal title tag length? Should you keep your titles short and sweet? Or use long titles that contain lots of info about your content?

Titles in the range of 40–60 characters have shown an 8.9% better average CTR than tiles that shorter or longer.

Ideal length of a title tag
ideal length of a title tag — an example

2) Write your title tag in title case and not sentence case

The recent research by Semrush found that titles written in sentence case get 2.4% fewer organic clicks compared to a title case 🤯

You can take a look at the SEO split test here.

Write your title tag in title case and not sentence case

3) Use positive power words

Positive titles holds the power improve your CTR. Research shows that titles with a positive sentiment improved CTR by approximately 4%.

Use positive power words — sentiment

Key takeaway: Remember to use keywords like “best, Amazing, Proven, New, Updated” when ever possible and revelent!

4) Use brackets to draw the eye

In the Google CTR stats report, brackets have been shown to increase link clicks by nearly 38%
Where possible, make sure to use brackets in your title tags to clarify the content behind the title. Here’s an example:

Use brackets to draw the eye

5) Use numbers in your title tag

We keep going on and on about title tags, but its worth it! Afterall, this will be the forst impression your user gets when they search for something on the search bar. Numbers in titles have shown an increase in CTR by as much as 36%

example of how to use numbers in your title tag

But here are some tips :

#1 Don’t go overboard

No one’s going to click if your title is “58 best ways to boost your Click Through Rate in 5 minutes”
(No one will read 58 ways in 5 minutes!! So be realistic)

#2 Use odd numbers

Odd numbers seem to have a better CTR than even numbers (7 is the best performing)

6) Keyword-Rich URLs Are Correlated With a Higher CTR

Take for example, that you are someone that’s searching searching for “hiking locations”. A URL like travel.com/best-hiking-locations have a higher CTR than travel.com/travel-page because of its relevance.

Just like that, keyword-rich URLs have been found to get 45% more clicks compared to URLs that don’t match the users search.

Google’s Search Engine Optimization guide reminds webmasters that your page’s URL shows up in the SERPs. And they recommend that you use “URLs with words that are relevant to your site’s content…”.

Use URLs that are relavent for your keywords and SEO

7) Optimize for rich snippets and sitelinks

Structured markup has been found to increase the CTR by 30%

Hubspot also found that for high-traffic keywords, featured snippets saw a whooping increase of CTR by 114%

Here are some tips to score a featured snippet:

#1 Table of contents

Categorizing your blog article into sections (having a tables of content for ease of reading) can be helpful.

Categorizing your blog article into sections — Tables of content

#2 Implement relevant schema

One of the latest evolutions in SEO is called schema markup. This new form of optimization is one of the most powerful but least-utilized forms of SEO available today. Once you grasp the concept and method of schema markup, you can boost your website in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Implement relevant schema

Some tools you can add, test and preview your schema are:


To sum up, utilize these 7 ways to generate better SEO-effective content

  • Write your title tags between 40–60 characters or 9 words at best
  • Write your title tag in title case and not sentence case
  • Use brackets to draw the eye
  • Use numbers in your title tag
  • Use positive power words
  • Keyword-Rich URLs Are Correlated With a Higher CTR
  • Optimize for rich snippets and sitelinks


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