Content for Days: How To Generate Endless Ideas for Your Brand

9 Tips for Never Running Out of Great Content

Nicole Gabrail
5 min readMay 23, 2023


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

You’ve encountered many formidable foes, but few can be quite as daunting as the blank page. There are times when the right words come easily, flowing out like water from a faucet. On other days, it may feel like the handle on your creative faucet is stuck and you don’t know how to fix it. For social media managers and content creators, overcoming creator fatigue can mean the difference between crushing your deadlines and falling short of expectations. Fortunately, the right strategies are all you need to quash this beast and keep the content flowing.

Use the below methods to generate long lists of impactful ideas you can refer to if you’re ever drawing a blank on how to present your message in a fresh and topical way. With relevant topics like holidays and stories, you can determine the right way to get your message across. These can come in handy whether you need to advertise something specific or accomplish another goal like driving engagement, building authority, or creating a bustling marketing calendar that does all of the above.

1) Check Google Trends

Use Google Trends to stay on top of what’s happening in your industry.

This tool tracks the popularity of terms over time by analyzing data from Google searches, revealing what people are interested in on a global or local scale.

Tap into these insights to stay ahead of emerging trends and identify ideas that resonate with your audience. You can also analyze search patterns to capitalize on spikes in interest and plan for seasonal campaigns.

2) Tailor it for the buying cycle

Create content that directly addresses different stages of the buying cycle. By doing so, you can deliver targeted messages that drive conversions, strengthen brand loyalty, and foster long-term relationships with your customers.

The buying cycle, also known as the consumer decision-making process, explains how individuals navigate through various stages before making a purchase. This journey encompasses several key steps that your customers undertake, including recognizing a need or problem, conducting research on potential solutions, evaluating options, making the final decision, and engaging in post-purchase behavior. Evaluating your audience’s unique needs and wants at each stage allows you to guide your potential customers through their decision-making process and ultimately influence their purchasing behavior.

3) Celebrate holidays

Incorporate significant dates into your content plan to create a sense of connection with your audience, thus fostering greater loyalty and positive associations with your brand. Celebrating holidays also lets you capitalize on the increased online engagement during these times and boost your visibility. Make sure to stay on-brand and inclusive when celebrating holidays!

Holidays are also a great time for businesses to give back to the community, increasing their brand’s social value. For non-profit organizations, this is a good time to run fundraising campaigns to attract new donors and reach out to previous ones.

4) Celebrate seasonal trends

As you incorporate holidays into your content calendar, don’t forget to include seasonal trends. Seasonal content is timely, relevant, and likely to catch the attention of potential customers. By tapping into seasonal trends, content creators are able to leverage current events and cultural touchstones to create engaging and compelling content. For example, you can relate to Star Wars fans by making a May the Fourth post.

5) Be a problem solver

Answer your audience’s burning questions by identifying popular search terms beginning with the five W’s — who, what, where, when, and why. Utilizing question keywords helps you provide value and position your brand as an expert in your industry. Additionally, question keywords tend to be long-tail and niche, often making them highly searched without much competition. This is perfect if you’re writing for a blog and trying to rank for certain search terms.

6) Keep a list of stories

Creating content around stories offers a fresh approach for brands seeking to maintain audience engagement and avoid repetitive messaging.

Storytelling can enhance your identity and provide opportunities for making a lasting impact, so maintain an ongoing list of stories and anecdotes that you can share with your audience at the right time. It’s common for bloggers to begin posts with a story to provide context, draw the reader in, and possibly relate to them. Remember that stories rooted in experiences and emotions are best for captivating readers and fostering deeper connections with them.

7) Solicit and highlight positive reviews

Genuine favorable testimonials not only instill trust in potential customers, but they also help establish a strong reputation in the industry. By actively highlighting good reviews and success stories, brands can effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors and inspire confidence in their offerings, ultimately leading to increased sales and business growth.

You can also generate content aimed at soliciting testimonials. Actively encourage your customers to share their thoughts and experiences and link them to your Google, Yelp, and Facebook pages.

8) Reimagine existing content

Innovate and maintain your audiences’ interest without exhausting your creative reserves. Dig into old content and see how you can breathe new life into it to reinforce your messaging. In doing so, you may even discover new angles to pursue.

9) Post quotes and jokes

Quotes and jokes are more than just a continual supply of fresh content, they are a way for you to tap into the vast pool of human emotions, experiences, and humor. You want to evoke emotions in your audience, so find a way to make them laugh, think, or be inspired. Share quotes and jokes on your social media pages and use them to kick off blog posts, email newsletters, and more.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

The next time you’re deciding what to write a post about, how to promote a specific product, or how to fill your content calendar to the brim with great ideas, use these strategies to make the process easier. Because the general rule of thumb is to post at least once per day, burnout can put some people in a creative rut that results in trite content. While best practice for posting frequency is up for debate, posting for posting’s sake is inarguably a big mistake. Don’t generate content simply to hit a quota, but rather provide your audience with valuable insight and always post with a purpose.

Follow me for more content marketing, blogging, and SEO tips!

Bonus: Create high-value content that converts

Founded by the team behind In Plain English, Circuit is a strategic growth company for developer-focused software startups. We help companies produce a higher ROI on their content marketing efforts.

If you want to build a better content strategy, scale content operations, increase product awareness and adoption, and grow a community, we help brands make this happen.

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