Framework: Balancing Tech & Human Behaviour

Nick De Mey
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2019

One of my obsessions is the continuous interaction between emerging technology and human behavior. Basically, how tech affects our lives and the other way around.

Both directions exist, but the latter is the hardest to spot.

Tech -> Behaviour: Some examples
- Self-driving cars will free up hours of time for drivers. Instead of focusing on the road, they could work, watch Netflix, eat,… even will alcohol consumption change if cars can drive themselves? Etc.
Will new behavior pop-up when? e.g. Sleeping or power-naps in cars? Autonomous drop-offs of kids to soccer class?

Behavior -> Tech: Some examples
- A rising notion about privacy resulted in apps that self-destruct content
(e.g. Snapchat)
- More people tend to optimize the quality of their lives by copying management techniques out of a business context (= Measure + improve + iterate). Some people are starting to manage their own friends in a similar way as they would track potential leads and clients with tech assisting to facilitate this. (e.g.

Once you start noticing how these two domains interact, you can begin to test the influence of each area. In our consulting projects, we will look for ways to make businesses happier. In innovation, they often seek new revenue streams. However, to optimize their business model in the near future, we need to make end-users happy as well.

So when you understand changes in behavior and tech, you will be able to create value for both people as companies.

Does this framework make sense to you?

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