How to secure great technical talent for your startup — Hansel Dunlop

Liam Oliver Donoghue
Venturi’s Voice
2 min readAug 28, 2019


Listen to the full show here.

How to secure great technical talent for your startup

Hiring top technical talent is not impossible for startups. The key is to lean into what makes your business stand out and use your agility to your advantage. Hansel told us his tips for attracting great talent in this podcast.

‘I think one of the key things for me as a VP of engineering is you need to build the right environment that people want to work in. That’s what I sell people on when I invite them to come and work with us. They’ll be doing great work with a really diverse group of people.

It’s very easy to look out at other companies and see how much money they have and they’re doing a lot of cool things. But you need to ask yourself, as a developer, what is your day to day experience going to be like. Are you going to have a safe environment? Are you going to be able to work well? Are you going to enjoy the work practices themselves?

So that’s also part of my whole approach to recruitment. I basically want to create a great environment that developers want to work in as opposed to fleeing from in the future’

Listen to the full show here.

Hansel is the VP of Engineering at Touch Surgery

5 billion people don’t have access to safe surgery. Changing that statistic is Touch Surgery’s mission. Hansel is helping the company achieve this goal through his role as the VP of Engineering.

Hansel builds and trains teams of developers and provides them with everything they need to do their jobs. He leads an engineering team of 30+ people which is responsible for building scalable, automatically testable, and easily deployable platforms for surgical education and AI-driven analysis of surgical video.

Listen to the full show here.



Liam Oliver Donoghue
Venturi’s Voice

Blogging and podcasting about all things tech. We speak to thought leaders in a variety of fields to get their insights into leadership, management & staffing.