How to Use Chat GPT for Generating ETF Questions

Jeremy Andrews
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2024

Welcome to our ETF investment community! Today, we’re diving into how Chat GPT can be a valuable tool in generating insightful and engaging questions about Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Whether you’re exploring performance, fees, risks, or strategies, Chat GPT harnesses the power of natural language processing to assist you.

Steps to Utilize Chat GPT:

  1. Input your keywords or topic into the chat box. For instance, to inquire about the top ETFs for 2023, simply type “best ETFs 2023”.
  2. Review the generated question. Chat GPT will craft a question based on your input, such as “What are the best ETFs to invest in for 2023 and why?”.
  3. Refine your question if needed. If the initial question isn’t quite right, you can prompt Chat GPT for a revision by typing “improve” or “rewrite”.
  4. Repeat the refinement process as necessary. Chat GPT will adjust the question based on your feedback, perhaps producing a more targeted query like “Which ETFs have the highest potential returns and lowest fees for 2023?”.
  5. Finalize your question. Continue adjusting until you’re satisfied with the question’s relevance, clarity, specificity, and interest.

Chat GPT is designed to help you create questions that avoid common pitfalls, such as vagueness or bias. However, it’s important to remember that Chat GPT is an aid, not a replacement for your own research and judgment. Always verify information before making investment decisions.

Discover More About Chat GPT

For further information on Chat GPT and its capabilities, visit Chat GPT’s website. Below, find examples of ETF-related questions generated by Chat GPT:

  • How do I compare the performance of different ETFs over time?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of investing in actively managed ETFs versus passive index ETFs?
  • What are some of the best ETFs for diversifying my portfolio across different asset classes and regions?
  • How do I evaluate the risk and return profile of an ETF?
  • What are some of the tax implications of investing in ETFs?

We hope you find Chat GPT a useful tool in your investment journey. Should you have any questions or wish to share feedback about using Chat GPT, please don’t hesitate to comment below or reach out directly. Happy investing and welcome again to our community!

Originally published at



Jeremy Andrews

Jeremy Andrews is a technology entrepreneur specializing in product, finance, and software development. Connect with him on discord