Marketing Tech

Oliver Miles
2 min readJul 24, 2018


Within my function at Venuepark, I make use of a lot of marketing tools and software. I’ve chosen the word ‘tech’ as an umbrella term for what I use. As such, I’ve amassed quite an arsenal of useful and helpful tools.

The Tech

This blog is going to be a little different — instead of writing about events or marketing with a particular topic in focus, I’m going to be going through which software and tools I use to make my life as a marketeer easier. I won’t be covering the social media apps I use for Venuepark (such as Instagram). The list starts below.

  • For beautiful pictures like the one you see above.
  • No clarification needed.
  • To shorten links. The links can also be tracked so you can see the traffic they generate.
  • Django. Whenever I post something to The Collection I do it through Django.
  • Google Drive. All of Venuepark shares files with each other via Drive.
  • Trello. Trello is a miracle app. Venuepark uses it for scheduling and deadlines. I use it as a personal to-do list as well.
  • A brilliant website to help find relevant hashtags for a given topic.
  • Canva. I’m not particularly gifted at PhotoShop so Canva is a brilliant, online alternative for novices like me.
  • Snapseed. Again, given my lack of PhotoShop knowledge, Snapseed is a brilliant, easy-to-use app for editing photos on your phone.
  • 9square. An app to turn a picture in a 3x3 grid image for Instagram.
  • InstaSize. If I have to resize a picture for Instagram.
  • WhatsApp and Telegram. Venuepark communicates with one another primarily through WhatsApp, but Telegram occasionally as well.
  • Slack. An incredible piece of software which helps Venuepark stay on track with everything and discuss plans from the comfort of our own phones.
  • Zoho Mail. This is the platform that Venuepark uses for company emails.
  • Office Lens. One of the best apps I’ve seen in a while, it takes almost perfect photocopy style pictures of just about anything you want.
  • Planoly. An Instagram post-scheduling tool.


This list is absolutely by no means exhaustive. I just thought that it might be helpful to whoever read it in case they were looking to add something to their own bag of tricks. I realise that there are thousands of apps and software types that are dedicated to marketing, most of which are very good. The software and apps I have highlighted above are merely what I’ve found to work best. If you have suggestions for me/Venuepark, feel free to drop a comment.



Oliver Miles

Chief Marketing Officer for I enjoy writing as much as the next guy, but whether or not I’m any good at it is for you to decide.