The Birth of Venuepark

Oliver Miles
Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2018

My name is Oliver. I’m the Chief Marketing Officer of Venuepark, a startup based in The Hague, a beautiful metropolis on the coast of the Netherlands. I’m also an aspiring author. Not a one-trick pony, you might say.

At this point, I’d like to formally welcome you to my Medium profile and thank you wholeheartedly for taking the time to read this post.

If you’ve made it this far, you may be wondering what I intend to use Medium for. Well, after much deliberating, I decided that writing on Medium was a simple, easy way for me to share what I know about marketing in a way that is a form of shareable content on its own. 2 birds with one stone and such.

I’m not a marketing expert — in fact, I’m far from it. But I’m getting there, and I want to share the lessons I learn on that journey with you. It will probably be messy at times, scary at others but I have no doubt it will be fun. I hope you agree. Let’s go.


I want to refer back to the title of this story. Recently, my team and I announced to the world what Venuepark is going to be. After months and months of generating awareness for our startup, we decided that it was finally time to lift the veil — the cat is irreversibly out of the bag at this point. Now, you may be wondering “What the f*** is Venuepark, and why should I care?” Well, rather than leaving you in a no doubt unbearable state of perpetual suspense, I’ve summed up our core business in the paragraph below. Strap in.

“Venuepark is an online platform connecting event planners with event locations and external services.

Our goal is to be the go-to online platform for anything events related. Looking to host a 200-person party at a castle in France, with photographers and a DJ? We’ve got you covered. Looking to host a launch party for your new book at a conference center in New York? Look no further.

Emphasizing ultimate ease-of-use, transparency, community and entrepreneurship, Venuepark is the simplest, smoothest and most comprehensive one-stop event service in existence. Devoted to making the event planning journey as smooth as silk, we look forward to helping you in any way we can and being a place where event professionals can come together and grow, as one.”

Our humble logo. We’ve loved it since Day 1. We hope you do too.

What you just read above, that’s Venuepark in a nutshell. There’s a lot more to us, but that’s something we’ll be showing you along the way. Now, the logical next step for this post would be to explain why on earth I’m writing all of this, so I’ll acquiesce. I touched on this in the introduction of the post, but the following paragraph should make everything clear.

Essentially, what I hope to achieve with this blog (I’ve chosen to call this series of posts a blog because that seems appropriate) is to share what I know about marketing, events and venues. I’m far from an expert in these fields but by golly am I working hard to become one. This blog is as educational for you as it is for me. My aim it to share what I learn, when I learn it. Living in the Netherlands gives me ample opportunity to immerse myself in startup hubs like The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. As such, I find myself in a rather lucky position — in the middle of an industry that is growing astronomically. This gives me endless possibility to learn and to grow. The best analogy I can come up with for the purpose of this blog is that of a hunter going out to provide for the family. The hunter braves the unknown in the hopes of finding food to sustain the family. Embracing the likelihood of failure and finding comfort in this knowledge, the hunter learns what to avoid in the wilderness and what areas supply the most food. The hunter learns how to bring this back to the family in the quickest way possible. Because of this bravery, the hunter’s family survives. Granted, this paleolithic analogy is is hyperbolic but it illustrates the point — I want to share what I gather in the hopes of helping whoever reads this blog.

So, the main purpose of this blog is then to share what I know and learn. This post, however, may be the only exception to this. With this post, I’m essentially introducing myself and Venuepark and letting you know how things are going to take shape from here on out. For starters, I will be posting a new blog every Monday. The topics will vary greatly so I hope to cover as many bases as possible. Given the scope of the industry within which I find myself, choosing a single topic to focus on per week is a tall order. Still, I have a few ideas in the pipeline which I must say — humbly — that I’m very excited to share with you all.

As marketing dude for Venuepark, I also manage and curate our social media channels (which I’ve linked below). I will be connecting these with this blog. Furthermore, and perhaps the USP of this blog, I will be inspiring debate between us and our followers on our Instagram based on the blogs I write. I will write the blog and then post articles and sources on Instagram to complement or contradict the blog, essentially creating a platform for debate. As a little sneak peak, I’m willing to tell you this: in the coming week, I’m going to be explaining exactly what it is Venuepark does on our Instagram. Of course, our other social media channels will be updated accordingly, I just personally think Instagram is an excellent platform for debate. This blog/Instagram/debate concept is a brainchild of mine, so I hope you enjoy it.

Furthermore, Venuepark’s content channels are going to get massive boosts in general. We’re going to post weekly vlogs on YouTube, curate and launch our website (and re-do our ‘Tools’ section, now known as The Collection— check it out on, I think you’ll like it) and post regularly on LinkedIn and Facebook. We’re going to change what it means for a company to have a strong social presence, in the same way we’re going to change how the events industry operates.

As far as informing you all goes, I think that should about do it. I look forward to writing regularly and hopefully sharing with you things that you find interesting in the same way I do. If you have something specific you’d like me to cover, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

Other than that, thanks for reading this. Until next time.






Website/The Collection: |




Oliver Miles

Chief Marketing Officer for I enjoy writing as much as the next guy, but whether or not I’m any good at it is for you to decide.