
James Mao
Published in
9 min readMay 16, 2019


I have spent two to three years in Taimali and Dulan (east coast of Taiwan) in the summer time. The most impressive sceneries are not in these two places. Even though I am from Taitung, there are still many “promised lands” that I don’t know. Along the south line of the railway, there is a village. Outside the village, there is a culvert. It’s very hot in summer afternoon so that I go there often, standing inside and feeling the sea breeze. The end of the culvert is the vast Pacific Ocean. I often look at the distant Lanyu island.

沙灘旁有木麻黃的防風林,涵洞不遠處有個小逕流,幾個外國人家庭與當地人在那裏鋪著海灘巾和紙板(外國人喝Beer在地人喝Zibu Johnson)享受逕流的涼快,遠方沙灘盡頭的釣客在碧海藍天之間架起釣竿,幾輛Suzuki金吉星4X4在沙灘來回穿梭,一看就知道是我們山地人幹的。相較於台灣其他網紅秘境海灘,多的是無止盡盲從的人群,一到假日整座沙灘擠了一堆人,哪是海灘放空的優閒時間。

There is a row of Beef Wood as windbreak near the beach, and a creek is not far from the culvert. Several foreign families and locals are there with beach towels and cardboard, enjoying the coolness. At end of the beach, people set up fishing rods between the sea and the blue sky. Several Suzuki 4X4 jeeps are running back and forth on the beach, which we recognized immediately that they are our indigenous friends. Compared with those famous beaches with crowded tourists during the weekends, the serenity here is definitely incomparable.

去衝浪的路上偶遇的羊群 Flock of sheep on the way to surfing


I had a chance to take a foreign surfer to that culvert. I explained to him that it was not because I like Taitung particularly, but wherever I was, I cared less about destination, feedback and status. I just wanted to find a quiet small place that belongs to me in this world, feeling the wind blowing, drinking a cup of ice coffee and listening to the echoes of the tide.

雖然比起一些前輩的工作經驗,自身經驗真的是小巫見大巫,從事這些工作雖然是快樂,但就少了些純粹的生活,有時候你會去想什麼是美好的經驗?如何傳達給大家或是身邊的朋友,但想著想著似乎將自然之美拉進展間裏頭確實有點像是村姑般,硬是要抹些胭脂在臉上,不搭就是不搭。不是說展覽本身不好看,而是life style展覽本身是很吃團隊或是策展人的生活經驗,看了看還是認為多了”目的性”這三字。

Compared with the working experience of other people, mine really pales in comparison. I am quite happy with these jobs; however, they are less pure. Sometimes you will think about what is a “good” experiences. How to share these wonderful experiences to everyone? But I think placing the beauty of nature in the exhibition is somehow quite embarrassing. It is a bit like a country girl, wearing too much cosmetics on her face. I mean it doesn’t look reasonable in an exhibition. However, it does not mean the exhibition itself is not good enough, but exhibitions about life style depends on the life experience of the team or the curator, which are more purpose-orientated nowadays.

只單純讓腦子休息去走個小徑、海邊,能不要在明亮的展間、黑暗的Party,試著讓自己有明有暗,讓身體感受自然與時間流逝,翻閱幾本精裝的table book,雖然這些不是會讓你速成突然轉為有生活的人,但盡量多接觸,一段時間後你會很不同。

Perhaps, just let the brain simply rest. You can take a walk along the trail or beach. Try to make yourself surrounded by a natural environment with the changes of lights rather than a complete bright or dark space. Let the body feel the nature and time passing by and read few hardcover table books. Maybe you will not see the changes on yourself immediately, but as long as you have been involved in such an environment, you might notice the difference after a while.

山海間的衝浪者 Surfer between mountains and sea

目前這個社會太多質疑與批判聲浪,有時候我會認為台灣其實不需要太多人文藝術的學生,我們需要的是如何去找尋生活中的美;進而找到自己的地方,學會欣賞與讚賞,你就靠近了美的事物一些了,那怕一些也好。對了!後來時間也晚了,我就跟那位外國衝浪客說 :

Today, there are too many questions and too much criticism in this society. Sometimes, I think we do not need that many students from the backgrounds in humanities and arts. What we need is how to find the beauty in life; then find our own place and learn to appreciate. In the end, you will get close to the beautiful things. Oh, I talked to foreign surfer:


“At night, my indigenous friendswill give us some seafood they caught. We are going to barbecue and drink beer. The chief will cook some fish soup as well.” While closing to the midnight, I can go to stream to collect shrimp nets with the chief, and eat them. If we are lucky, there will be crabs. After this, if all of us don’t get drunk, let’s go to the beach and make a campfire.”

台東的村落 somewhere in Taitung



James Mao

Venue/curator National Pingtung University, Department of Cultural and Creative Industries / Pacific Rim Park Artist / Photographer