Unleash Your Creativity Now

VEON Careers
VEON Careers
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2017


How do you get those creative juices flowing? Valentyna writes with her left hand (she’s right-handed). It gets her brain working in different ways.

As a graphic designer at VEON, creativity fuels Valentyna’s work. During our discussion, we talked a lot about how she generates creativity and gets inspiration. Here are her main insights:

1. Do more than make a wish when you see a shooting star

Check out these stunning photos of shooting stars. You would certainly stop and look, and maybe make a wish. You could try and catch the shooting star, too.

Okay, we know that catching a shooting star isn’t really possible. The point is that you should chase the magical things (i.e. your passions). That’s how Valentyna has lived her life.

“At university, I actually did graphic design for fun and side work. From creating posters to making powerpoints, I loved it all,” notes Valentyna. “But I didn’t plan to get into the field.”

After she had started her post-university life, Valentyna spent a summer holiday in London. She only planned to stay a little while.

“While in London, I reflected on what I wanted in life and decided to pursue being a graphic designer,” recalls Valentyna. “So, a summer holiday in London turned into one year, and another, and another…”

Valentyna went all-in on her dreams. She took classes to enhance her knowledge, honed her skills through freelance work, and ran her own graphic design company. Then, she finally arrived at VEON. Indeed, Valentyna is living a life in pursuit of the things she loves.

“If I could give advice to my childhood self, I would stress this idea of following your passions and dreams,” exclaims Valentyna. “Because sometimes people get distracted. Think about what you want to achieve and go for it. Don’t lose time, because then you contribute less.”

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2. Apple trees have the answers

You know how Isaac Newton discovered gravity. But did he eat the apple after it fell from the tree? Nobody’s really sure about this legend. But if there’s a fresh apple in front of you, you eat it!

Anyway, let’s get back to the deeper meaning here. It’s that inspiration is all around you (like apple trees). When you ask Valentyna about where she gets ideas for her design work, her answers echo this point.

“For inspiration, I look around sites like Pinterest and keep up on what Paula Scher, an industry legend, is doing,” notes Valentyna. “Stefan Stagmeister is also a favorite of mine. His Happiness Project is amazing.”

“The Happy Show offers visitors the experience of walking into Stefan Sagmeister’s mind as he attempts to increase his happiness via mediation, cognitive therapy, and mood-altering pharmaceuticals.”

“I also look at signs, billboards, and color patterns around London. These may not be directly relevant to my work, but they stimulate design ideas.”

Image: http://www.pentagram.com/#/blog/138142#images-lightbox-11

From learning from the best in the industry to looking at creations around the city, Valentyna has many ways to derive inspiration. She also reads a lot.

“I love the book, The Art of Creative Thinking, because it offers so many clever insights on the creative process,” says Valentyna. “I also read articles about making infographics, take courses online, and listen to classical music.”

As you can see, you need more than one way to get your creativity working. Look everywhere — and stay alert! You could come up with your greatest idea as you ride the Tube.

3. Creativity and planning lead to beautiful things like The Shard

Perhaps you’ve been to the top of The Shard in London. The view from Western Europe’s tallest building is pretty cool (even if you’re afraid of heights).

The skyscraper’s architect, Renzo Piano, certainly relied on his own inspirations to create the masterpiece. But it ultimately required careful planning and execution to make the design a reality.

While doing work for VEON, Valentyna stresses that, without a strategy, you can waste creativity. Design ideas must be thought out clearly and expanded.

“For instance, when I create an infographic, I first brainstorm ideas, being sure to take into account relevant data, the viewer, and what colors work best. Then, I research those ideas to see which one works most effectively. After that, I sketch the infographic on paper and polish the idea and design before taking it digital,” describes Valentyna.

As you can see, creativity drives the work. But Valentyna’s organized process ensures she maintains the proper direction throughout a project.

“With infographics and other pieces, we’re often combining lots of different data and info,” notes Valentyna. “So, for the design to be a success, creativity and organization must work together.”

4. Say yes to extra legroom

Here’s some advice if an airline offers you extra legroom: Say yes! Well, say yes if you’re getting a good deal. You’ll love all that space.

Speaking of space, having it is a necessary aspect of letting your creativity flourish. That’s a main reason why Valentyna decided to accept the job at VEON.

VEON is developing and growing rapidly, and the culture is incredibly open,” states Valentyna. “You have the freedom to be yourself, and you get to help the company build something from scratch. VEON gives you room to improve yourself, learn new things, and create.”

So, there you have it. If you give yourself space, there are no limits on what you can achieve. And you’ll have more room to stretch out your legs.

Creativity: The Ultimate Renewable Fuel

Valentyna’s given you some solid tips on how to tap into your creativity and make great things happen. If you try Valentyna’s trick of writing with your non-dominant hand to stimulate your mind, you’ll probably even learn how to write with both hands along the way (which is super cool).

Indeed, creativity is a precious thing to possess. It’s the key to getting past any hurdle — and getting yourself to a glorious destination.

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