Veramo Bounties Round 0 Wrap-up

Nick Reynolds
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2023
Header image for Round 0 Wrap-up

We are happy to announce that the Veramo Bounties — Round 0 has come to an end! Through this bounty program, we received multiple high-quality contributions to Veramo from members of our community. This experimental “Round 0” served as a valuable learning experience for our team (and possibly community members as well!), and we hope to build on this program in the future. Keep your eyes out for an announcement of Round 1!

Bounty Winners and Results:

Community member codynhat implemented the DIDComm Mediator functionality, which will allow user agents without a persistent connection to create a much better UX around DIDComm. We intend to add this functionality to the Agent Explorer as a demonstration soon.

Thank you to Cody for great work on a somewhat complex feature, and for working with the Veramo team throughout the process!

Community member dchagastelles implemented the did-pkh provider, allowing Veramo to more closely integrate with the growing did-pkh ecosystem. Thank you dchagastelles for working with the Veramo team throughout the process to develop a high-quality contribution!

We did not receive a contribution for the implementation of the did-3 provider. There were a few applicants that had found this issue through Gitcoin, and one of them was approved to work on the issue, but no progress was made against the issue.

That this bounty was NOT completed provides us with valuable information that we can use to help improve future rounds. We had made the decision to rely primarily on Gitcoin for the discovery and promotion of these bounties. The applicants that found this issue via Gitcoin tended not to be familiar with Veramo or SSI more generally, and thus were not perfect fits for the bounty. Moving forward, we know now that we will have to work harder to promote bounties like this one within our own community and the SSI developer community more broadly in order to find more aligned contributors.

We’ve also received 6 high-quality feature requests or bug reports from community members AlexAndrei98, rkreutzer, mmatteo23, and luckdev01. Thank you all for helping us identify areas of focus for Veramo!

If you are one of the contributors mentioned here and we have not reached out to you yet to coordinate paying out your bounty, it means we do not have your contact information. Please reach out to or Nick Reynolds (discord: okay_nick#0414 / email: to begin this process.

In total, we are paying out 2600 DAI to our community for their contributions to Veramo. This round has been illuminating for the team, and we hope to build on this in the near future.

