The rise of Social Media dApps as Elon buys Twitter.

Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2022
Home Simpson earning with Veranos. Designed by @DarshanAdroja

The moment we have all been anticipating is finally upon us. Elon Musk, Lord Doge the first, has acquired Twitter. So what does this mean for the crypto community, free speech and decentralised applications? Let’s dive in.

The merge of cefi and defi.

Many have speculated on the possibility of a native token for Twitter. Doge is obviously the #1 contender. In the last week, we’ve seen the currency rise over 100%. Surely, the integration of Doge will provide utility to the currency.

Some possible use cases include:

  • Validating tweets through microtransactions ( this will deter bots who often send millions of automated tweets at no cost.)
  • A medium of exchange between creators and their communities. (Hint hint… Veranos )
  • An all-in-one native currency for the extension of Twitter. (There have been rumours of Twitter forking the WeChat business model under Musk)
  • Social media daps that pay users for their influence


What we are most excited about is the potential for users on Twitter to be rewarded for their social influence. To be able to reap the benefits of their usage and interaction with social media through trustless fast and cheap microtransactions.

This is why we built Veranos, an ecosystem that lets anyone earn from their tweets.

The Veranos Marketplace

The world’s first #tweet2earn marketplace lets brands create campaigns, set the number of partners (Twitter users) they would like to work with and gives them the opportunity to earn from mentioning their product or service to their market. It is micro influencing on a global scale.

Our smart contract integrates both crypto wallet connections and Twitter authentication to ensure each party is adequately compensated for fulfilling their end of the bargain.

Speed and Global Reach

Veranos is built on Polygon, which means low fees and transaction receipts within minutes. All campaigns, bids and fulfilment are written on the blockchain, there are no middlemen, no intermediaries no firewalls. Its instant value between projects and their communities.

What’s Next?

Our team is working on the next generation of internet influence, culture and marketing with the function we call, one-to-many. The most powerful tool for brands and their decentralised community.

Read about one-to-many

That’s Veranos!

We are currently live on our testing environment. If you would like to learn how your project could benefit from using Veranos, or you’d like to learn more about how we allow anyone to earn from their tweets.

Check out our documentation





See you in the next one!

