Giving Power Back To Video Creators

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3 min readMay 18, 2018

It’s easy to forget that up until relatively recently Vlogging wasn’t even a thing. Overnight the medium exploded and since then Creators have brought millions of users to video sharing websites.

Once upon a time Creators were treated well by video platforms. Sadly the same can’t be said now. Platforms are more interested in how many adverts can be shown and making sure their advertising partners and shareholders are happy — rather than supporting the people who made their websites popular or providing the best experience for their viewers.

Here at Verasity we believe it’s time that Creators, both big and small, get their power back and the focus is put back on the Creators and Viewers.

Verasity is a suite of blockchain enhanced video platform technologies designed to supercharge the online video ecosystem by enabling a direct and transparent relationship between viewers, content creators and advertisers.

Verasity’s high performance blockchain enables a transparent economy powered by a new micropayment capable token called VERA (VRA), as well as the ability to eliminate fake advertising and content views with patent pending Proof-of-View (PoV™) technology.

On Verasity, Viewers can buy VERA, earn it from watching content and earn even more if they choose to watch adverts. If they do watch adverts they’ll get paid directly by advertisers in Verasity’s cryptocurrency, VERA. Creators are then paid directly by the people who know them best, their Viewers. Once again in VERA coins.

Every Creator’s audience and content is different to the next, and that’s why at Verasity we want to give Creators the power to make the choices that make sense for their audience. There’s no one-size-fits-all model on Verasity.

Creators have a full host of VERA monetization options available to them which can be set on a per video basis for example:

  1. Free to watch with optional VERA donations
  2. Pay-per-view — viewers pay VERA unlock individual videos
  3. Paid recurring VERA subscriptions where Viewers can access all premium content

On existing platforms honest Creators have to worry about dishonest Creators paying for fake bot views. This pumps content up in recommendation algorithms at the expense of honest Creators. Verasity’s Proof-of-View (PoV)™ technology ensures that only real human video views are counted. This levels the playing field and stops people manipulating recommendations for their own gains.

Verasity also has the Spark Marketplace which is the next-evolution in crowdfunding. Creators can sell parts of their channel on the Spark Marketplace in VeraSparks. The users who purchase these VeraSparks provide Creators with the financial means to make even better content, create content full-time or even help fund the next feature film! The users who hold those VeraSparks then receive a portion of the channel’s future revenue in VERA. What could be better than funding something you love and then getting rewarded when it succeeds?

VeraSparks also create brand advocates. The more popular a channel becomes the more VERA both the channel owner and VeraSpark holders earn. At any point, the user can sell their VeraSparks to another user on the Spark Marketplace. From that point onwards, the new owner then begins to reap the rewards from holding the VeraSpark.

Verasity is determined to provide the best possible experience for Creators and bring them closer to their Viewers. On Verasity Creators will finally get their power back.

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Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews