Here’s What The Future Of Online Video Looks Like

Published in
5 min readJun 25, 2018

Humans have a habit of overestimating potential in the short-term and wildly underestimating it in the long-term. Verasity is a project being built by some of the greatest minds in video distribution, online advertising, and media. Below is our vision for the future of video and how Verasity is going to usher it in!

There are two sides to Verasity — both of which promise to be revolutionary.

Firstly we’ve got Verasity’s community driven video sharing platform where viewers, creators, publishers, and advertisers will all get a better deal. Viewers receive rewards in VERA cryptocurrency for doing what they love best. They’ll get a small amount of VERA for every video they watch. They also get to choose whether they want to watch advertising. If they do, they’ll be rewarded by advertisers for their time in VERA. Verasity users also get to decide how much personal data they want to share with advertisers. It’s only fair that the more they choose to share, the more VERA they’re rewarded with in turn.

For the first time, viewers will also be the ones deciding what content is worth rather than advertisers. On Verasity viewers pay content creators direct. Whether that’s through optional donations, unlocking pay-per-view videos or paying for monthly subscriptions. Creators have more choice on Verasity and can choose on a per video basis what they want to charge for each piece of content. There’s no one-size-fits-all model on Verasity. As creators get rewarded directly from their fans, and monetize their videos in a way that makes sense for their audience, we’re going to see new, exciting, types of content flourishing.

Verasity’s VeraPlayer™

Verasity’s VeraPlayer™ will be the video player to bring crypto to the masses. Thanks to HTML5 technology it works on all major browsers without requiring any downloads or plugins. It’s future proof and able to deliver both 4K and 60 frames-per-second video. Lastly, it’s also super easy to embed into other websites, forums and has support for you Medium fans out there. Each user will have their own VeraWallet built into the player interface. This gives viewers a simple way to manage their donations, pay-to-view content and subscriptions. Having each viewer’s personal VeraWallet built into the player also means users can track their incoming VERA rewards from watching content and advertisements on or from around the web on an embedded VeraPlayer™.

On Verasity Viewers also won’t need to worry about people manipulating their video recommendations or bots pushing fake news. Verasity’s Proof-of-View (PoV™) tech makes sure no-one can buy fake video views. Creators and publishers will enjoy a level playing field and advertisers can be sure that ad-fraud is a thing of the past. Each view on Verasity is validated as real and then anonymized through Verasity’s Proof-of-View (PoV™) tech. By eliminating fake views, Verasity is able to fairly value content regardless of content type, audience demographic or a third party’s monetization strategy. This means a better, fairer, video platform for everyone!

Then we’ve got Verasity’s video toolkit (vDaf). This modular system provides global publishers with all the tools they need to overhaul their existing online video offerings. Verasity will also be a place for premium pay-per-view video such as sports and films. Viewers will also enjoy other video subscription-based online video services on Verasity. Thanks to VeraPay, broadcasters and publishers will be free from third-party monetization options that can take over 70% of revenue through international payments and fees. VeraPay removes those third-parties and only requires a small transaction fee to use. As broadcasters start to see the majority of their payment revenue again they’ll in turn be able to start investing in better content which is better for everyone.

Verasity’s new take on crowdsourcing ensures the community can nurture both AAA content from Vloggers and broadcasters. The Spark Marketplace allows any user to buy VeraSpark smart-contracts from channels in return for VERA. The holders of these smart-contracts then earn a percentage of a channels incoming VERA until they sell them. The Spark Marketplace helps creators grow by allowing them to raise funds so that they can create even better content. Not only that, but the Spark Marketplace gives back to the people who helped them raise the funds in the first place.

We believe over time vDaf will see adoption and integration into existing player technology in addition to existing integrations such as our recently announced partnership with DADI. This means traditional video sharing platforms could make use of Verasity’s commerce systems, Proof-of-View (PoV™) tech, and more! This will enable existing video sharing platforms and large-scale publishers to sell digital content to their users using VERA. Imagine being able to log into video sites across the internet and just have one wallet login. One cryptocurrency for all online video…

We’re right at the start of an online video revolution and Verasity is going to be the driving force in creating a ecosystem that works better for everyone. Join us on this journey today by getting your tokens at the link below!

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Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews