How to use VeraWallet & VRA Staking

Published in
8 min readMar 8, 2019

This guide will show you how to use VeraWallet and the VRA Staking program. VRA Staking is a system where you earn 0.07% bonus VRA per day you stake VRA in VeraWallet (25.55% per year).

VeraWallet will be launched and VRA staking will open on March 8th, 2019.

Creating a VeraWallet Account

All users will need to create a new VeraWallet account, even those who made an account on to participate in the ICO, airdrop or bounty.

To create a VeraWallet account, go to

On this screen, under the “Sign In” button, click “Create account”.

Select your language choice (currently English or Korean) and enter your email address and password. As this is a wallet account that will hold VRA, we highly recommend using a unique and secure password.

Once you have entered an email and password, read and check the box to agree to the T&C and Privacy Policy.

Click “Create account”

You will then be asked to enter a verification code. This code will be sent to you via email. Enter the code and click “Submit”. If you do not get the verification, please check your spam folder and that the email address you entered was correct. If you entered an incorrect email, click Cancel and restart the process with the correct email address. If you still don’t get code after a few minutes, please click “Resend the code”.

Complete your account by entering your name, date of birth, residence country, address and mobile phone number. This information must be true and accurate, providing incorrect or false information could prevent you using VeraWallet and accessing VRA stored there.

Once you have entered the information, click “Submit”.

You have now created your VeraWallet account.

Using VeraWallet

In “My wallets” there are three wallets.

Main wallet: This is the wallet you use to top up and withdraw from your VeraWallet account. You will also see a record of your recent transactions here.

Staking wallet: This wallet is where you can stake VRA and manage VRA you have already staked. When you stake VRA, you earn 0.07% reward in VRA per day 25.55% per year).

Escrow wallet: This wallet is used for funding rewarded campaigns. This should only be used by publishers and advertisers.

In “My account” you are able to update your account information. This information needs to be correct to manage your VRA funds.

In the “Staking” tab, you can see information about the VRA Staking program.

Add VRA to your VeraWallet Account

To add VRA to your account. Go to the “My wallets” tab and click on “Main Wallet”.

On the Main wallet screen, click Top up.

You can only send VRA to your VeraWallet. Do not send other tokens or coins.

After clicking Top up and confirming you will only send VRA, you will see a QR code and wallet address. You can send VRA from an exchange or personal wallet to that receiving address.

Once sent, the VRA amount will show in your “Main wallet” balance once it has been confirmed on the blockchain. The transaction will also show in the list of recent tractions on the main wallet menu.

Staking VRA — Earn 0.07% staking bonus in VRA per Day!

Staking is a new feature and can be accessed via your VeraWallet account. By staking, you earn daily staking rewards worth 0.07% of VRA staked in your VeraWallet. This is the equivalent of 25.55% AER.

To stake VRA in VeraWallet, you need to have at least 10,000 VRA in your Main wallet. If required, top up your wallet using the steps above in “Add VRA to your VeraWallet Account”.

Click “Staking wallet”

Click “Stake”

You will then be asked to enter the amount of VRA you want to stake. The minimum amount you can stake is 10,000 VRA. If you enter an amount below this, you will get an error. The maximum amount of VRA you can stake is 50,000,000 VRA. To stake, you must have the VRA in your total available balance.

After entering the amount of VRA to stake, you will be prompted to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Staking Program. Click Agree when you have read them and agree.

You will be able to see the daily reward amount and the staking terms and confirm the amount of VRA you are about to stake. Click confirm staking if you agree.

Once you have confirmed a new stake, it will show in your staking wallet. From here you can see recent transactions for your staking wallet, as well as stake more VRA or manage your current stakes.

Staking Rewards

Each day your VRA is staked, you earn a staking reward of 0.07% of the VRA you have staked. If you have 10,000 VRA staked, you will earn a reward of 70 VRA per day. The staking reward is paid every 24 hours into your main wallet in your VeraWallet account. The first reward will show 24 hours after you stake VRA.

Withdrawing VRA

To withdraw VRA, you need to have VRA in your main wallet. Click on your main wallet in the “My wallets” tab.

Click “Withdraw”

When you withdraw, you will be reminded to only withdraw VRA to a personal ERC20 wallet address or a dedicated VRA wallet address on an exchange. Sending VRA to any other type of wallet may result in permanent loss of your VRA. Click continue.

Enter the wallet address you want to withdraw the VRA to.

Enter the amount of VRA you want to withdraw from your VeraWallet. This amount cannot be greater than the available balance in your “Main wallet”.

Click Withdraw.

Before withdrawal, you will see a screen to confirm the amount of VRA you are withdrawing and details for the withdrawal. If the information is correct, click “Confirm withdrawal”.

You will then see a success screen. Please note, the VRA will not show on the receiving wallet address until the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain which may take from a few minutes to a few hours.

If you have any questions, you can ask for help in the Verasity Telegram or via our email.

The Verasity team are very excited to be launching the first version of VeraWallet and VRA Staking on March 8th, 2019. The total amount of VRA that can be staked is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Make sure you log in on March 8th to stake and get the 0.07% daily rewards!

How Rewarded Video Works

Earning VRA while watching a live stream or video that’s powered by Verasity is super easy. Here’s how:



  1. User can see the stream on the website.

2. Every 10 minutes of the stream that you watch, you get a pop-up letting you know that you have just earned a reward.

3. Click the pop-up to bring up a prompt to either login or sign up. (If your login details aren’t working, you will have to create a new account as you will have to with each different publisher).

4. Once signed up, you can claim your VRA reward and manage your balance using On VeraWallet website you are able to stake your tokens for a 36.5% return yearly, send & receive tokens, see where you can earn more VRA for watching content and much more! Check it out.

About Verasity is a leading video player providing unique Rewarded Video Player Technology to major video publishers across the globe. The patent-pending Video Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the video player wallet. Our unique player technology is already available to 1.43 million video publishers with 500 million users and over 100 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences, and revenues back to video publisher sites from YouTube. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, video publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video.

Verasity Products include: Genesis Player:, VeraWallet:

VRA (ticker) is trading on HitBTC:,


VRA can be staked for 36% annual interest at

Check the price of VRA token at CoinCodex and CryptoCompare. Join our Telegram chat at




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews